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Fresh Cut-Flower Food

(30 customer reviews)


Cut-flower food helps flowers last longer in the vase.

Fresh Cut-Flower Food – Quart - 50 Pack
Fresh Cut-Flower Food – Quart 2-50 Packs
Fresh Cut-Flower Food – Pint - 100 Pack

Clear Fresh Cut-Flower Food

Quart: 1 packet per quart of water
Pint: 1 packet per pint (2 cups) of water

Cut-flower food helps your flowers last longer in the vase. It provides food to nourish the flowers, a biocide that helps to keep the water clean and a PH balancer that prevents air bubbles from clogging the stems. Flowers that can drink fresh clean water last twice as long.


Additional information

Weight 2 lbs
- Qty

Pint – 100 Pack, Quart – 50 Pack, Quart 2-50 Packs

30 reviews for Fresh Cut-Flower Food

  1. Cheryl Bevis (verified owner)

    usIllinois, United States

  2. Joyce Emerick (verified owner)

    usMaryland, United States

  3. Sara (verified owner)

    usLouisiana, United States

  4. Ann Brombach (verified owner)

    usMinnesota, United States

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