#121: Bug Talk: They All Have Purpose with Lisa...
Today, Rhonda Graves returns to join Lisa for another “Bug Talk.” And beneficial creatures too! They all have a purpose in a balanced ecosystem. Rhonda & Lisa discuss how to...
#120: Keeper Clubhouse Clips (Early Sunflowers,...
Today I have more “keeper clips” from Clubhouse for you! Lisa hosts a chat on Clubhouse each Wednesday to cover various flower farming and flower business topics as well as...
#119: What is a Collective, Anyway? Interview w...
In this episode, I am exploring the question: “What is a floral Collective, and how is it different from a Co-op?” I discussed this and so much more with Amelia...
#118: The Book That Changed My Life: Interview ...
Friends, Lynn Byczynski’s book, The Flower Farmer is what redirected my life path. While Lynn and I have come to be friends through the years, it was a surreal moment to chat with...
#117: Lisa on The Urban Farm Podcast (Beneficia...
Hello and welcome to the Field & Garden podcast! I’m Jessi Graven with The Gardener’s Workshop. Today I’d like to share some clips from an interview that Lisa recently did on...
#116: Failed Expectations
We are so hard on ourselves when we hit a wall or fail. I’ve found that the reality so often for me is that my expectations weren’t based on any...