#334: "Should You Sell to Florists?" with Ellen...
Lisa ZieglerShould you sell your flowers to florists? What attributes make a farmer a good match for selling to a florist? Here, Lisa chats with Ellen about her experiences working with...
#333: Bringing Joy Through Flowers - Meet Trici...
Lisa ZieglerI’m thrilled to share an inspiring story with you today. I want to introduce you to Tricia from The Simple Sunflower, an organization that’s making a big difference in our...
#131 - Harvesting Poppies as Cut Flowers + Podc...
Lisa & LayneWondering if poppies make good cut flowers? Curious about the proper harvest stage and how to condition both flowers and pods? Today, Lisa and Layne discuss the ins and outs...
#332: Are You Digging Your Business’s Grave?
Lisa ZieglerAre you planting for success or setting yourself up for failure? Today, I’m excited to talk about something that many flower farmers, especially those just starting, often overlook. Are you...
#130 - Growing Snapdragons with Gretel Adams
Lisa & LayneLooking forward to bouquets filled with snapdragons this spring? Wondering which varieties to grow, how tightly to space the plants, and whether or not to pinch? In this excerpt from...
#331: Dave Dowling's December Q&A, Ask A Flower...
Lisa ZieglerThis episode features a takeover of our popular weekly live Q&A session on Instagram, called Ask a Flower Farmer. It was guest-hosted by Dave Dowling of Ball/ColorLink, a former flower...
#129 - February Farm Check-in
Lisa & LayneWondering what's happening at the flower farm this month? Curious about which tasks should be on your radar? Today, Lisa and Layne discuss what's going on at the farm in...
#330: A Flower Farming Life to Love
Lisa ZieglerFlower farming isn't just about the blooms, it's about the journey! Join Lisa Mason Ziegler as she shares her insights on facing challenges and making smart choices in the world...
#128 - Tweedia - A Powder-Blue Beauty
Lisa & LayneWishing you could add a pop of powder blue to your bouquets? Interested in learning how to grow Tweedia as a cool flower? Today, Lisa and Layne discuss the delightful...
#329: Flower Farmer Grit
Lisa ZieglerToday, I want to dive into something really important for anyone looking to succeed in flower farming or any kind of business: grit. I believe developing grit is a choice....
#127 - Tips for Watering Soil Blocks
Lisa & LayneConfused about how often to water your soil blocks? Wondering what to do if your blocks seem to stay wet for too long or dry out too quickly? Today, Lisa...
#328: 3 Steps to Fail as a Flower Farmer
Lisa ZieglerToday I’m thrilled to share some important tips for anyone dreaming of starting a flower farming business. As I look back on my journey, I wish I had these resources...