#125 - Very Early Spring Cool Flower Planting FAQs
Lisa & LayneWondering which cool flowers to plant in very early spring? Curious what to do if the ground is frozen, or if you live in a warm, frost-free climate? Today, Lisa...
#326: The Power of Community
Lisa ZieglerToday I am here to share my thoughts on something that has had a big impact on my flower farming journey personally: community. A community is powerful no matter where...
#124 - Winter Storm Preparation & Aftermath
Lisa & LayneIs a winter storm heading your way, or has one just passed? Wondering how to protect the cool flowers overwintering in your field or garden? Today, Lisa and Layne discuss...
#325: Planting Cool Flowers in Very Early Spring
Lisa ZieglerToday, I want to dive into the topic of cool flowers and the importance of planting them in very early spring. The basic idea is to plant these flowers in...
#123 - Planning Your Growing Season with a Wall...
Lisa & LayneWondering how to keep track of your seed starting and planting times throughout the year? Confused about which dates to mark on your calendar and how to determine them? Today,...
#324: Cool Flower Successions in Very Early Spr...
Lisa ZieglerDid you know that we have another podcast series? It’s called Seed Talk with Lisa & Layne, and it’s become really popular! This is their top podcast episode of 2024,...
#122 - Pantone Color of the Year 2025 & Scabios...
Lisa & LayneHappy New Year, everyone! Interested in integrating the Pantone Color of the Year into your garden or floral arrangements? Today, Lisa and Layne discuss the Pantone Color of the Year...
#323: Cool Flowers Talk: Lisa on The joegardene...
Lisa ZieglerOur most popular episode of 2024! Here, Lisa was featured on The joegardener® Show podcast, joining host Joe Lamp’l to discuss the Cool Flowers concept and how she got started growing this fantastic...
#121 - Lisa's Seed-Starting Journey
Lisa & LayneWondering why a cut-flower grower might focus on annuals rather than perennials? Interested in learning how an urban flower farm's seed-starting operation scaled up over time and which crops were...
#322: Stepping Out
Lisa ZieglerToday, we're discussing stepping out of your comfort zone, a challenge many face when starting a new business. In new ventures, like a flower farm, we often seek help from...
#120 - Essential Tools & Supplies for Flowe…
Lisa ZieglerWondering which tools and supplies you need to get started in flower arranging? Looking for a last-minute holiday gift for a flower lover? In this excerpt from episode 14, Lisa...
#321: Dave Dowling's September Q&A, Ask A Flowe...
Lisa ZieglerThis episode features a takeover of our popular weekly live Q&A session on Instagram, called Ask a Flower Farmer. It was guest-hosted by Dave Dowling of Ball/ColorLink, a former flower...