Online Workshops

with The Gardener’s Workshop

  • The Gardener’s Workshop offers workshops that are available for purchase year-round and give immediate access to all content.

  • Online course learning is convenient and easy!

    Why learn from farmers if you are a gardener? Because gardening on a grander scale is what they do every day as their chosen work. Like any profession, mastering the work to find the most efficient, easiest, and cost-effective way is what leads to success. Flower farmers are no different. Our instructors are sharing from their years of first-hand experiences in both gardening and farming.

    You’ll love learning from online courses. It’s much like an in-person class but even better because you can watch at any time and for as many times as you want because you have forever access. It’s like purchasing a book, but instead of reaching for the book, reach for a device with internet access and log in to your course library to access your purchased courses.

Profitable Flower Farming

Online Workshop with Lennie Larkin

Don’t just make money, make a profit from flower farming! Take control of your business’s financial future with the guidance of Lennie Larkin from B-Side Farm. Whether running your farm as a side hustle or flower farming full-time, this course will set you on the path to sustainability and success through proven goal setting, market evaluation, and crop planning techniques.

  • 3.22 Hour Online Workshop
  • $199.00

Cool Flowers from Seed to Harvest

Online Workshop with Lisa Mason Ziegler & Layne Angelo

Become a Cool Flower expert!  Loaded with beautiful imagery and real-life demonstrations, this must-have course is packed with all the information you need to successfully sow, grow, and harvest over 35 cool-season favorites.

  • 5.5 Hour Online Workshop
  • $349.00

Preparing to Sell to Florists

Online Workshop with Ellen Frost

Do you want to add a new sales outlet for your flowers? Ellen shares her strategies for successful selling to florists from years of buying directly from the farm. Get ready to sell by finding the best customers for you, setting the right price for your flowers, and pitching your product with availability lists.

  • 115 Minute Online Workshop
  • $49.95

Making Workshops Work for You!

Online Workshop with Jennie Love

Are you wondering if you could host or lead a workshop?
On your farm, in your shop, or perhaps at a destination location? What does it take and how much should you charge? These are just some of the topics that Jennie Love addresses in this course, Making Workshops Work for You.

  • 4 Hour Online Workshop
  • $159.00

Forcing Glorious Blooms for the Holidays and Beyond!

Online Workshop with Val Schirmer

Would you like to learn how to grow indoor blooming bulbs this winter? Enjoy these gardens during the long cold days of winter and even give them as gifts. Val Schirmer takes the mysteries out of selecting, growing, and enjoying indoor blooming holiday bulbs. Gorgeous winter blooms have never been so easy to grow!

  • 3 Hour Online Workshop
  • $49.95
Collectives 101 1

Collectives 101

Online Workshop with Amelia Ihlo

Are you looking to scale your flower farming business and want to join an existing collective? Or maybe you’re interested in organizing growers in your area to formalize your own co-op? Amelia covers the ins and outs of how collectives work, and why they have value to you as a grower or a group of growers.

  • 104 Minute Online Workshop
  • $49.95

Seed Starting Made Easy

Online Workshop with Lisa Mason Ziegler

Learn our easy, space-savvy method to seed starting!

Seed Starting Made Easy is a 116-minute Mini-Workshop taught by Lisa Mason Ziegler on how to start from seed indoors using the soil blocking method and planting seeds outdoors in the garden.

  • 116 Minute Online Workshop
  • $29.95

The Easy Cut-Flower Garden

Online Workshop & Digital Book Download with Lisa Mason Ziegler

Transform your outdoor space with ease! This 80-minute step-by-step tutorial will turn you from a hesitant beginner into a confident flower gardener, creating and maintaining a thriving cut flower garden.

  • 80 Minute Online Workshop
  • $29.95

  • I would never have had the courage to start flower farming without this course on seed starting! What I love is Lisa knows just how much to teach. She knows so so much more than she teaches but like any excellent teacher she organizes and teaches just what you need to be successful.

  • I highly recommend this seed starting course. I’ve been gardening for decades and didn’t know some of the “secrets” to starting seeds. Lisa breaks everything down in simple and easy to understand steps. She is just a natural educator! I love that she actually shows you in her videos how to do it. Another bonus, this workshop is yours to reference forever! I went through the workshop again just as a refresher before my first attempt at soil blocking. Soil blocking is the most environmentally friendly way to go and she shows you what a space saver it can be too!