Reasons to start your own seeds:
- Cost effectiveness
- Selection
- Plant quality
- Organic method
- Rare and unusual varieties
- Cut Flower varieties
- In-season selection
Lisa’s seed groupings:
- Indoor – this group prefers to be started inside where conditions are controlled.
- Outdoor – this group prefers going straight into the ground where they will not be disturbed and temperatures vary.
- Indoor/Outdoor – this group can go either way!
Why “Soil Block” to start your seeds?
- Earlier harvest
- No transplant shock
- Start many plants in small space
- Plant thinning is eliminated
- Consistently works
- Easy to do
- Economical
- No clutter of containers to store
- For complete blocking instructions, visit our online Learning Center
Tips to successfully start seeds indoors:
- Do not start too early
- Start with fresh seed
- Use bottom heat for germination
- Provide 16 hours of artificial light once seeds have sprouted
- Begin to feed with organic liquid fertilizer when first leaves develop
- Move to garden as soon as weather permits
Planting seeds directly in the ground:
- Using a trowel or your hand, draw a line in the bed or make depressions in the soil with your hand in a grouping pattern to plant your seeds in. This line or depression is shaped similar to a “V” like atrough that is approximately 1-2” deep. The seeds will be planted at the bottom of the “V” trough. This helps direct water to the seeds and makes it easy to see where you’ve planted.
- For small seeds, pick up several between fingers and sprinkle in the bottom of the trough, larger seeds can be spaced every 3-4”. Cover the seeds according to directions, firming in with a light touch of your hand.
- Water in well and keep moist until they have germinated, which can be 4 – 30 days depending on your conditions. Covering with a floating row cover for 10-14 days after planting will enhance germination greatly.
- This cover helps to retain soil moisture, protects from the hot sun and drying winds, and it keeps rabbits, squirrels and other pests at bay.
- When the plants are 4-6” tall, thin to the recommended spacing.
- For weed control, hoe between rows and hand weed until plants are 6-8” tall and can be mulched.
Click here for a printable version of Getting Started from Seed: A Simple Success!