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Looking forward

by | Jul 5, 2013

July and August are the hardest months for me as a flower farmer. It is hot, humid, we have tons of flowers to be started, planted, harvested and sold. To ice this steamy cake, there are a couple of weeks that have notorious slow sales due to the lack of events because of vacations, holidays, etc. So it tends to discourage me, which doesn’t take much when you are hot, tired, and dirty most of the time.  This is not a big problem; it is just my current challenge, which always seems bigger when you are staring at it in the eye.

Cart of Flowers 006


















Which brings me to the good news; this summer in addition to being a flower farmer, I am working on my new book coming out next summer and it is filling me up with gobs of hopefulness!  It is all about those wonderful and misunderstood hardy annuals that start blooming in early spring and carry us right into summer.  I am already starting to look forward to spring in place of looking at what surrounds me today and the residue of yesterday.

I am currently working on the individual flowers featured and I am having so much fun I can hardly get dressed! You might be wondering, what does that mean? Well my good friend, co-worker and co-writer Susan Yoder Ackerman and I have come to the conclusion that we write best in the early morning before we get out of our PJs and haven’t brushed our teeth yet! Is that to funny or what? We both feel like once dressed we are pulled to get busy outdoors or to tackle some other chore. So, my writing goal is to find those days I don’t have to sprint out of the house and can hunker down for a morning of writing which is what is leading me through these dog days of summer.

Happy 4th of July!


Lisa Mason Ziegler is a commercial cut-flower farmer in Newport News, Virginia; she lectures and writes about organic and sustainable gardening. You can email Lisa at [email protected] , call her at 757-877-7159 or visit her website .

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