Becoming a Flower Farmer

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I was a novice gardener back in 1997 when I discovered that cut-flower farming was a career possibility . I had never dreamed I could become a flower farmer. Besides not knowing anything about farming, I lived in the middle of the city and only had a large yard. Looking back now, what appeared as odds stacked against me, actually became a big part of my flower-farming-business success story.

I launched my urban farming business in 1998 and for the first 11 years, I farmed and produced great abundance from less than a half-acre garden. In 2009, I was able to purchase the adjoining acre and a half of land, and my little city farmette took a big leap in production. For the following 8 years, it was a full production farm serving over 20 florists, 2 farmers’ markets, 2 supermarket chains along with two CSA type programs. I was growing a bunch of flowers...

Today, I still maintain an acre and a half working garden as I pursue writing and teaching to share my experiences from the past 20 years as an urban farmer. My farming focus has evolved as I no longer produce cut flowers for the masses. I am growing for my projects, and the resulting cut flowers are sold to existing customers.

I truly believe, that anyone who wants to, can become a successful flower farmer. Take what you have and make the most of it---dreams do come true. I have created Flower Farming School Online to offer the steps so you can realize your dreams, too.

- Lisa Learn about our Flower Farming School Online courses here. About my farming conditions:
  • An urban farm located in the southeastern part of Virginia.
  • Do not have a greenhouse or hoop houses; all of my growing is done outdoors in the garden. I do occasionally use low tunnels.
  • I start all of my transplants in my work building/garage using the soil blocking method and grow lights.
  • The farm is in winter hardiness zone 7; with a first expected fall frost date of mid-November and the last expected spring frost is mid-April.
  • Winter temperatures go into the teens with single digits for short periods.
  • Occasional snow.
  • Typically do not have much spring but go from cold to hot quickly.
  • Summers are long, hot, can be dry, and humid.
Founder of The Gardener’s Workshop and Flower Farming School Online .  Award-winning Author of Vegetables Love Flowers and Cool Flowers . Watch Lisa’s Story and view her podcast and blog Field & Garden. Connect with Lisa on Facebook and Instagram !
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