Flower Farming Business: Starting, Sustaining, ...
This 4-week series is brought to you by Making it possible for flower lovers at all levels to grow and enjoy flowers and to build businesses based on flowers!...
Becoming a Flower Farmer, the rest of the story…
I wrote a blog a while ago about my innocent ambitions of becoming a flower farmer. As I reviewed it, I realized my story hasn’t ended and in fact I...
Life-Changing Lessons
Jennie Love, Lisa Mason Ziegler, and Dave Dowling. You know what I love the most about this adventure of producing online courses for others? It’s witnessing the wisdom and experiences...
A Better Way to Garden and Farm
When I was getting on the bus to leave Spring Forth Farm, I knew I would be back. From the organized appearance of the farm to hearing their story and...
Pipe Dreams and the Land of the Giants!
Some Cool Flowers bunches on their way to a supermarket customer. I never dreamed my little urban farm could serve supermarkets. Stepping outside of my comfort zone was tough, but...
A Lack of customers is not why flower farms fail….
There have been concerns expressed over all the new interest in commercial flower farming. Seasoned and new farmers are wondering: are there enough customers to go around? I say without...