
#335: Ask A Florist, March Q&A with Ellen Frost
Today’s episode features a takeover of our popular weekly live Q&A session on Instagram, called Ask a Flower Farmer. However, this one we called Ask a Florist featured guest hostess...
#334: "Should You Sell to Florists?" with Ellen...
Should you sell your flowers to florists? What attributes make a farmer a good match for selling to a florist? Here, Lisa chats with Ellen about her experiences working with...
#333: Bringing Joy Through Flowers - Meet Trici...
I’m thrilled to share an inspiring story with you today. I want to introduce you to Tricia from The Simple Sunflower, an organization that’s making a big difference in our...

#131 - Harvesting Poppies as Cut Flowers + Podc...
Wondering if poppies make good cut flowers? Curious about the proper harvest stage and how to condition both flowers and pods? Today, Lisa and Layne discuss the ins and outs...

#332: Are You Digging Your Business’s Grave?
Are you planting for success or setting yourself up for failure? Today, I’m excited to talk about something that many flower farmers, especially those just starting, often overlook. Are you...

#130 - Growing Snapdragons with Gretel Adams
Looking forward to bouquets filled with snapdragons this spring? Wondering which varieties to grow, how tightly to space the plants, and whether or not to pinch? In this excerpt from...

Seed Starting Made Easy Online Mini-Workshop

Soil Blocking Mix*

Blocker Trays, Reusable Plastic*