
#127 - Tips for Watering Soil Blocks
Confused about how often to water your soil blocks? Wondering what to do if your blocks seem to stay wet for too long or dry out too quickly? Today, Lisa...

#328: 3 Steps to Fail as a Flower Farmer
Today I’m thrilled to share some important tips for anyone dreaming of starting a flower farming business. As I look back on my journey, I wish I had these resources...

#126 - Common Calendula Questions
Debating whether or not to grow calendula on your farm or in your garden? Wondering if the stems are long enough to include in mixed bouquets, or if there are...

#327: Why Collaboration Beats Competition
Today I'm diving into a topic that I've never really talked about before: collaboration versus competition. Why are we so afraid of competition? Let's explore why collaboration can actually be...

#125 - Very Early Spring Cool Flower Planting FAQs
Wondering which cool flowers to plant in very early spring? Curious what to do if the ground is frozen, or if you live in a warm, frost-free climate? Today, Lisa...

#326: The Power of Community
Today I am here to share my thoughts on something that has had a big impact on my flower farming journey personally: community. A community is powerful no matter where...

Seed Starting Made Easy Online Mini-Workshop

Soil Blocking Mix*

Blocker Trays, Reusable Plastic*