Using Floating Row Cover

85% light, air and water transmission so no need to remove during the day. Reusable year after year.

Floating Row Covers Uses

Lightweight floating row cover has many uses in the garden. Use without hoops to lay directly on the bed or use with hoops to support the cover which lends itself for even more uses.

New Plantings: Cover new planting for the first 10-14 days after planting to protect while emerging or becoming established. Lay it right on top of plants or sown seeds or use hoops. Hold in place with anchor bags or large rocks. It protects the newly-planted seedlings from direct sunlight, drying winds, and damage from pests such as birds, rabbits, squirrels, and deer. Remove the cover once plants are established or newly sprouted seeds have reached 3-4”.

Protect from Pest Damage: Hoop and cover plants immediately following planting to prevent exposure to insects. We have controlled or eliminated damage on squash plants from squash bugs, beans from the bean beetle, potatoes from potato beetles and strawberry losses from birds.

Season Extension: Although the cover is lightweight, it offers enough protection to allow an early start and to extend the season. Used with hoops, it creates what is called a low tunnel. The tunnel provides excellent protection from the cold wind and creates a more hospitable growing environment. The cover provides 4 degrees of protection. I often use a double layer for additional protection.

Early Season: For maximum benefit prepare your early spring garden space in the fall. Mulch, hoop and cover the empty bed to lay in wait for your early spring planting. In spring pull back mulch for seed sowing or plant transplants through the mulch. The soil will be warmer and better equipped to receive  the planting. Leave cover on until warmer temperatures arrive.

Late Season: Fall-planted cool-season plants can perform longer into the fall and winter with a little added protection–excellent for the salad garden. Plant the fall garden and cover when nights begin to drop in the 40’s. Remove the covers during the day if temperatures climb.

Flowers: When fall-planted hardy annuals that are intended to winter over as young plants to become established for spring blooming are covered all winter they will grow into more robust plants. They will produce more and begin blooming earlier than those without covers. Winter hoops and cover also provide excellent protection from deer. We fall-plant strawberries here in zone 7 and keep them covered from planting until the following May harvest.

Purchase Floating Row Cover          6.5’ x 50’ PP302 $26.95        


Floating Row Cover protects baby plants from wind.