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Spring like days

by | Dec 18, 2012

It is December 18 and I am imagining it is early spring. It is suppose to climb into the 60’s today and we are coming off a little rain, so my fall planted garden seems to be growing as I watch!

I planted the rest of the snaps and dianthus babies yesterday in the garden. They all seem pretty happy this morning when I went to have a look. I may plant a few seeds in the garden this week in spots that didn’t germinate very well for whatever reason.

Our Bells of Ireland bed of seedlings look awesome! We over planted the seeds in an effort to get a good stand of plants and it worked. I will have to be very strong when I thin pulling all those babies out and trashing.

So much good is coming from these days of cool-warm temperatures as we head towards Christmas.

I will do some mulching yet  and then put our gardens to bed for the next couple of months to rest up for a big spring.

Keep your fingers in the soil!
