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The peace before the storm–see our new video onTGW TV

by | May 25, 2010

All seems very quiet here right now. We are kinda of in between spring and summer harvests- we have flowers, but nothing like what we will have a month from now. Planting done for now and our second seed starting round is well on its way- they babies are over 2-3″ tall.

We are attempting to do a new video each Friday morning (6am…) to tell the story going on here. This may go by the way side once we are drowning in flowers- but we are going to give it a try.

Our garden has never been so on schedule. Getting help in the garden is the best thing I ever did. I actually was able to foliar feed our spring bloomers yesterday to help them pump out more and bigger flowers. I have never been able to do this in the past because I was still planting and preparing. Foliar feeding is when you spray or drizzle from a watering can the fertilizers you normal pour on the soil. I sprayed ‘Bloom” Earthjuice to give our spring bloomers what they need to make nicer blooms.

Checkout my latest video to have a look for yourself. May 2010 Tour part 1 and May 2010 Tour part 2

Hope to see you at a Market sometime soon–


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