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Our Vegetable Garden

by | Apr 8, 2009

When I first began growing veggies many years ago I got caught in the bug of growing lots of different types of veggies. What I soon learned was that although having the full gambit of fresh vegetables was nice, but having that many varieties had many different harvesting and care requirements. So over the years I have come down to growing a few of our favorites that we in addition to eating fresh, preserve by either freezing or canning to enjoy after the season is over.

A few other factors play into my choices: what is available locally grown by other growers that I might not want to grow–like salad mix. A local organic farmer grows this and I prefer to buy at the Farmer's Market every other week then grow it. I also do not grow selections that must be fussed over or as I call them are bug magnets. Eggplants we like, but don't love, however they are frequently attached by a beetle that I rather not have in my garden–so no eggplants for me. I'll by at the Market when we want them.

What we grow: bush string beans, tomatoes of several different varieties, peppers, zucchini, squash, sweet corn, early peas, fall greens, basil and onions.

I will be back to give details on how easy it is to fill your family, freezer and pantry with these staple veggies!

Lisa Z