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The Snaps are in the Ground!

by | Oct 6, 2008

This is the first year I actually got my snapdragons planted when I tell everyone is the best time to do so. In reality you can plant them anytime until the ground freezes, but the sooner the better for me because we have so much planting to do.

Because of this great weather, cool nights and days I was able to start pulling out summer crops earlier then expected last week to make room for the fall stuff. Zinnias really stop producing when the cool nights start; the mildew also takes off with fall conditions so no reason to keep them around.

Friday I pulled out a bed of zinnias and a few weeds, raked the mulch to the pathways, applied Rainbow Organic Dry Powder fertilizer. (I did not top dress with compost this time because of the heavy application  given in spring) I tilled with my 8 HP Troybilt, laid down the t-tape irrigation and planted 1200 snapdragon babies. I immediately mulched with straw, and then covered with floating row cover.  

So they are safe and sound till spring! Having one job down makes me want to do more.

Winters are warmer when your garden is planted!

Lisa Z