#322: Stepping Out
Today, we're discussing stepping out of your comfort zone, a challenge many face when starting a new business.
In new ventures, like a flower farm, we often seek help from peers. While this can be comforting, it may also lead to stagnation. Spending too much time with others who are struggling can hinder our progress.
Successful individuals share key habits:
- They make decisions based on facts, not assumptions.
- They recognize that time is money.
- They surround themselves with more successful people.
The company we keep influences our behavior. If we only seek help from those at our level or below, we risk feeling stuck.
- Ask for advice from those who have succeeded.
- Embrace challenging environments.
Recently, I was encouraged to attend a small business conference. Initially, I felt overwhelmed and doubted my ability to contribute. It's normal to feel scared in new situations. But stepping out of your comfort zone—those daunting experiences can transform your business.
We all face challenges along our journeys, so let's support each other in striving for growth!
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The Field and Garden Podcast is produced by Lisa Mason Ziegler, award-winning author of The Cut Flower Handbook, Vegetables Love Flowers, and Cool Flowers, owner of The Gardener’s Workshop, Flower Farming School Online, and the publisher of Farmer-Florist School Online and Florist School Online. Watch Lisa’s Story and connect with Lisa on social media!