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The Pricing Game

by | Aug 9, 2021

Such a frustrating subject, how to price your flowers? Warning this episode is not going to tell you how much to sell a flower for. My suggestion is to stop asking how much? but to ask how do I figure out how much I need to sell my flowers for?

Professional education is the ticket.

If this question had a simple answer, it won’t be in the top 5 questions I get weekly. Here is the thing– pricing is unique to your business. You need to compare the fair market price (learn where to find reliable information), you have to know what you need to charge to make a profit. This process is very personal and unique to each business.

There are no correct blanket pricing answers. The answer is found as a conclusion based on researching your region, the types of markets selling in, the market, and other variables.
Pricing structure should be one of the early steps in starting your business. Having the flowers in a bucket harvested and not knowing is stressful and avoidable.

Being a member of the Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers is the beginning of that journey.


Lisa Mason Ziegler

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