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Jennifer Joray
Eastern River Farm
Pittston, ME
Established 2018
Growing space: 3 acres+
Main Sales Outlet: Weddings a la Carte and Full Service
Courses Attended: The Wedding Process
Bulbs, Perennials, Woodies, and More! with Dave Dowling
Data crucial for all florists working in the wedding industry. Our family began farming with no experience back in 2018, but we spent several years researching, working with Maine professionals in the industry (we were based in MA before the farming move) taking some farming courses, and searching for our farm property for three years. We commuted weekly between MA and ME (3 hrs one way) and farmed that way for the first two seasons. That first season we grew a small number of 70′ x 4′ hand-prepped beds, and learned how to grow flower crops (leaving them was hard each week!). After that, we just jumped full-on into weddings (the pandemic began soon after) and we struggled through challenges with what enterprise would be the best for our farm during that second year. Weddings stuck, so five seasons later, we’re still at it! Our daughter also has a small KuneKune registered pig breeding business, a life-long dream of hers since she was 3, and I am deep-diving into herbs.
Connect with Eastern River Farm:,,
Heather Staten
Heather’s Flower Farm
Hood River, Oregon
Established 2019
Growing space: 3/4 acre
Main Sales Outlet: About half bouquet subscriptions and half weddings/events.
Courses Attended: The Basics, Annual Crops, Marketing, and More!
The Wedding Process
Practical, applicable instruction from some of the most experienced practitioners in the field! My business is a real business! I started as a keen hobby gardener three years ago selling weekly bouquets to a few friends. This year I had a 50-person CSA, expanded into wedding and event florals, and did bouquets for a small grocery store. The real-world advice I got from Gardener’s Workshop Instructors gave me the confidence to scale up successfully.
Connect with Heather’s Flower Farm:,,
View a video tour of Heather’s Flower Farm!
Sheri Hovey
Kentucky 1871 Flowers
Fuquay Varina, NC
Est: 2020
Main Sales Outlet: Local gift shop and farmer’s markets
Growing space: 1/4 acre
Courses Attended: The Basics, Annual Crops, Marketing, and More!
Bulbs, Perennials, Woodies, and More! with Dave Dowling
“Packed with relevant information that makes you realize that growing flowers is not impossible! My business has grown double fold over the last year as my flowers and story have gotten out into the community. I am trying to capitalize on Spring and early Summer sales since it seems customers are craving local beauty after a long Winter. Me and other local growers are proving the value and quality of locally grown blooms!”
Connect with Kentucky 1871 Flowers:,,
Sharon Hoskins
Brilliant Dahlia Flower Farm, LLC
Rehoboth, MA
Established 2020
Growing space: 2 acres
Main Sales Outlet: CSAs but slowly becoming florists
Courses Attended: The Basics, Annual Crops, Marketing, and More!
Game changing- I can now keep seedlings alive with soil blocking and I save space! I started my flower business during a pandemic and a drought which crashes our well. To say it was a stressful first year is an enormous understatement yet I sold 39 CSAs my first year and gave tons of bouquets away in my local community. 2021 was amazing- one, I found soil blocking which saved my seedlings and brought me great pride and two we finally got through the red tape of getting insured and we received 2 grants for NRCS for a new well and 2 high tunnels. I continued with my CSAs and started selling to florists and designers which I loved. We also hosted photography classes, yoga and a few workshops on the farm. I’m very excited for 2022 and all it will bring.
Connect with Brilliant Dahlia Flower Farm:, Instagram/brilliantdahliaflower,
Beth Holland
Happi Harvest
New Brockton, AL
Established 2020
Growing space: 1/4 acre
Main Sales Outlet: Farmer’s Market and Website Orders
Courses Attended: The Basics, Annual Crops, Marketing, and More!
Lisa’s course taught me everything I needed to know about the flower market. From making beds to business organization. Cool Flowers was a game-changer for me here in South Alabama. The heat is unbearable some days, but the concept of planting in the Fall to bring Spring flowers allowed so much more to offer. I could not have done it without her knowledge!! I actually have my own business now! I’ve had a passion for flowers since a young girl. It led me to majoring in Horticulture from Auburn University. Life happened and I ended up working in an office job for the past 20 years. But my path changed when I met my husband. God had other plans that I couldn’t even begin to dream of. Just like Lisa, my husband came with land. All I need was a course to teach me about FLOWERS because the education that I had was only in landscape trees and shrubs. The local farmer’s market is a HUGE support to me. I now make what I was making in my office job. Who would have ever thought? Start off slow and learn how to take care of your flowers first. I’ve slowly added more as I’m learning- I just planted a hydrangea grove, a white and pink Dahlia bed for wedding designers, and purchased an old truck bed to use for events. SLOW AND STEADY. This course is PRICELESS! I don’t go a day without listening to one of Lisa’s podcasts or watching an Ask a Farmer Wednesday. She is very down to earth and practical, I love this about her! I looked at other courses and am so glad I made the decision to take this.
Connect with Happi Harvest Farm:,,,
Amy Cordy
Drive By Flowers
Warrenton, VA
Established 2020
Growing space: 1/8 of an acre (I do grow, but design more!)
Main Sales Outlet: Website Product Sales
Courses Attended: Growing Your Business with Local Flower Sourcing
It’s been hugely helpful to think through the role that local flowers plays in my floral design business, in terms of my value proposition. I started out the gate focused on sourcing locally, but implementing a solid value proposition and communicating the difference between local and imported flowers was really hard for me. What makes me different? Will people actually care? I think overall, I’m learning how to better communicate to my own little community how special flower farmer and florist relationships are, and how they strengthen our community. I also think my business is growing based on the style of design I use ( a garden-gathered, loose and airy style), which REALLY makes local flowers stand out.
Connect with Drive By Flowers:;,,
Susan Jo Moorehead
Susie Q’s Produce and Posies
Ocala, Florida
Established 2022
Growing space: Half acre
Main Sales Outlet: Farmers Markets
Courses Attended: The Basics, Annual Crops, Marketing, and More!
The course work provided me with the foundational skills to start but more importantly the confidence and courage to step out on faith with the confident belief it can be done. First, our flowers speak for themselves. Snapdragons were our first yield this season and responses of “stunning,” “gorgeous,” and “amazing” are proof positive we are onto something pretty cool. Second, the most common comment is the longevity (vase life) – our flowers really impressed our followers. Third, the sunflowers are a huge success – smiles on a stem- are bringing joy to all who support our little adventure.
Connect with Susan:,,
Katie Bell
Simple Farm
Charlestown, IN
Established 2018
Growing space: 1/4 acre
Main Sales Outlet: Farmers Markets
Courses Attended: The Basics, Annual Crops, Marketing, and More!
Bulbs, Perennials, Woodies, and More!
Lisa and Dave’s courses helped me nail down my business and get a lot of things straightened out! I highly recommend these courses! …the first year I beat my head against the wall. I loved growing flowers, but I was battling weeds, heat, bugs I had never seen before and harvesting and bouquet making took so long. I kept thinking “There has to be a way to crack this code…what can I do better, what can I change, what can improve on?” I took Lisa’s course and really learned to be intentional in what I grow, and consistent in my succession planting. I learned how to harvest quickly and efficiently and just let the damaged flowers drop without crying over them. At the same time, I did research on farmer’s markets and displays and created bouquet recipes that dictated my planting schedule. That year I tripled my flower income, and the next year I doubled that.
Connect with Katie:,,,
Anne Ewton
Harvest Love Gardens
Rocky Face, Georgia
Established 2021
Growing space: 1/4 acre Main Sales Outlet: Florist, because I have a few around my area that love funky and different.
Courses Attended: The Basics, Annual Crops, Marketing, and More!
Bulbs, Perennials, Woodies, and More!
For me it’s what I have been looking for. There is so much confusing information out there. It helps to have great information, and someone willing to answer any questions I have on top of already great information. I am a new flower farmer in zone 7 (north Georgia) looking to become a successful flower farmer. My husband and I have a big love for the outdoors, and I have been a flower designer for 30 years. I heard about flower farming several years ago and started looking into it. In 2018 I left the flower shop and started planting seeds, and I took 1 course from Floret in 2020. It helped a lot, but I needed more to get my business where I wanted it to be before I actually started selling. I needed more perennials, and I really wanted to know more about the business side of flower farming. I spent the past couple of years trying to figure out what plants I could use in my design work and to sell to my florist, but there is so much information (good and bad) out there that I knew there was no question that I was going to take Dave’s course once I learned what it was all about. It has helped me so much in such a short amount of time!! Now I know what to concentrate on buying and what I need to stay away from. Once I finish Lisa’s course in November I feel like I will be ready to start selling in the spring of 2022!! I’m starting some cool flowers soon and fingers crossed they will make it through winter and start my first year off right! We are starting small and will eventually grow to where we want to be. One day I hope to buy more land and have a wedding venue with hiking trails and campsites!
Connect with Harvest Love Gardens:,
Brenda Embry
Natural State Flower Farm
Huntsville, AR
Established 2018
Growing space: 1/2 acre Main Sales Outlet: Grocery Store
Courses Attended: The Basics, Annual Crops, Marketing, and More!
Bulbs, Perennials, Woodies, and More!
The Wedding Process
So full of pertinent information! Growing flowers commercially has been so different than hobby gardening. The courses helped get me on the right path from the beginning instead of stumbling around to figure it out. The key to my success is what Lisa has preached from the beginning—grow sunflowers!
Connect with Natural State Flower Farm:,,,
Wendy Stacy
Brooks Harvest Flower Farm
Shelbyville, TN
Established 2019
Growing space: 1 acre
Main Sales Outlet: On-site store
Courses Attended: The Basics, Annual Crops, Marketing, and More!
How would I describe your courses….Amazing and helpful! We started with a wooded area and have worked on soil, learning, and started slow for two seasons. The third season we are concentrating on more flowers and flowers blooming earlier in Spring (cool flowers).
Connect with Brooks Harvest Flower Farm:,,,
Dani Winters
Winters Farm Florals
Salisbury, Maryland
Established 2019
Growing space: 1 acre Main Sales Outlet: Florists and designers
Courses Attended: Bulbs, Perennials, Woodies, and More!
Growing Cut-Flower Crops in Hoop and Greenhouses
Specific. Each course is geared toward a specific purpose or stage of growing, which makes it helpful to identify which one is right for you based on your business needs or growing experience. I am a career-switcher and a second-generation farmer, but am the first to delve into commercial cut flowers – a similar but also wildly different industry compared to commodity crops. Equipped with the right information and an insatiable desire to learn and improve, I am a true believer that absolutely anything can be achieved. Finding my niche in the market – of which these courses helped me determine the direction – allow me to hone in on my craft and say “no” to things that do not serve my business.
Connect with Winters Farm Florals:,,
Podcast #68: Meet Dani Winters of Winters Farm Florals
Lanette Lepper
Armstrong Acres
Dudley, MA
Growing space: 1/4 Acre
Main Sales Outlet: Bouquet Subscriptions
Courses Attended: The Basics, Annual Crops, Marketing, and More!
Bulbs, Perennials, Woodies, and More!
I believe that the majority of information covered in this course is available somewhere on the internet… but having it all in one place is such a time saver, and that’s hard to put a price on… as is the lifetime access and the live Q&A sessions. Armstrong Acres is a new, retired-military family-owned micro farm in Dudley, MA. We are the first farm in Massachusetts to receive certification under the “Homegrown by Heroes” label, which is administered by the Farmer-Veteran Coalition and provides consumers with a tangible way to support Veteran-owned farms. My husband Stephen recently retired after 21 years in the Navy and we have settled in my hometown, continuing a long tradition of Armstrong Family agriculture in this area, going back to my great-great grandfather, Chester Armstrong and his son, Walter. My grandparents, Bob and Sigrid Armstrong, purchased the property we are currently tending almost 100 years ago. The farm is named in their honor.
Connect with Armstrong Acres:,
Tracee Zelke
Early Bird Acres
Fruitvale, BC,
Established 2021
Growing space: 1/4 Acre
Main Sales Outlet: Farmers market, grocery store, subscriptions, wholesale
Courses Attended: The Basics, Annual Crops, Marketing, and More!
Bulbs, Perennials, Woodies, and More!
I was just talking with another alumni from last year and said how much more confidence we all have with a year under our belts…. I’ve never been so relaxed and certain that what I’m doing is what I’m meant to do! People ask me all the time how I gained so much in so little time and I have a simple two-word answer “Gardeners Workshop”. Knowledgeable, passionate and growing beautiful flowers that make people happy. I’d call it a success!
Connect with Early Bird Acres:,,,
Chelsea Anderson
Farm 2 Table on 51
Sexsmith, Canada
Established 2021
Growing space: 4000 square feet
Main Sales Outlet: On-farm U Pick
Courses Attended: Bulbs, Perennials, Woodies, and More!
This course was Confidence building, allowed me to make better decisions on the type of crops to grow, and how to connect with wholesalers. Education is the key to avoiding costly mistakes! Thank you First year flower farmer – I set some goals this year with the largest one being able to open a u-pick cut flower garden and in August I was able to do so. The response was fantastic and I have exceeded my first year financial goals and earned enough income for my farm to qualify for farm status. My local county office has also just filmed a virtual tour of the farm to post on their website and a local cable tv network is coming to interview me this week. A fantastic year!
Connect with Farm 2 Table on 51:,,
Marylou Ceniza
Heaven’s Meadow Flowers
Rainier, WA
Established 2019
Growing space: 1/4 acre
Main Sales Outlet: Farmer’s Market, subscriptions, and weddings/events
Courses Attended: The Basics, Annual Crops, Marketing, and More!
Bulbs, Perennials, Woodies, and More!
The Wedding Process
First off I wanted to say thank you to Lisa for creating this community. I am glad I took the plunge, the knowledge and the guidance I gained from the courses I took had helped me tremendously in starting my longed dream flower business. It’s like holding your hand when you’re just learning to walk, Lisa and Dave are never tired of answering questions over and over again. They have a very generous heart and I believe that’s one of the secrets why they are so successful at what they do. It’s not only giving you guidance of when and how about flower farming but also to go about and manage a business. Lisa has always been so encouraging and so practical in a business standpoint, as I can remember she said you can start a flower farming business on a shoestring and so I did. We just had our third season on our flower farming journey and I can say it gets better and you get smarter than the season before. It has been great for us, our visibility in the market gains traction and helped us open sale avenue like wedding and event diy bucket and A la carte menus. This past season alone we had three weddings that we supplied diy bulk orders and subscriptions that we fulfilled every week. I still have to learn tons of things and pretty much everything about the business being the only one doing it all , the community I’m serving and my “why” I’m doing it are enough to push me forward and do it all over again!
Connect with Heaven’s Meadow Flowers:,,,
Ken and Lisa
Jay Modern Heirlooms
Arab, AL
Established 2019
Growing space: 0.3 acres
Main Sales Outlet: Farmer’s market and specialty shops
Courses Attended: The Basics, Annual Crops, Marketing, and More!
Encouraging, empowering! Full of hard-earned wisdom that would take years to collect. Vaults you years forward in growing flowers and your business! We were resolved to be a “fair weather” flower farm, as I had tried repeatedly with spring plantings of (what I thought of ) as “fragile” flowers. The things that just couldn’t take southern heat. I just couldn’t “crack the code” go growing a reliable crop of spring flowers. Lisa’s approach to Fall plantings with winter protection was the ticket. I simply couldn’t believe the beauty, strength and yield of snaps, phlox, buplureum , foxglove and even delphinium! For the first time ever, we were able to rely completely on our own harvest for the early spring proms and Mother’s Day. This doubled our profits this year, despite a summer of floods. I am sure we would have been too discourage to continue if not for Lisa’s willingness to share her business expertise and farming wisdom. We are expanding to new markets next year with commitments for weekly bouquets and a local grocery chain! We are so grateful for the chance to participate in this course. We will be participating in the others this year, as we can see now that there is so much opportunity to be better farmers and to provide beauty that will continue to grow this business that is so dear to our hearts!
Connect with Modern Heirlooms:,
Wanda Haken
Fox Hollow Peonies
Nenana, AK
Established 2010
Growing space: 3 acres
Main Sales Outlet: Farmer’s Market, Bouquet Subscriptions, Shipping to lower ’48 states (peonies)
Courses Attended: The Basics, Annual Crops, Marketing, and More!
Bulbs, Perennials, Woodies, and More!
The Wedding Process
Growing Cut-Flower Crops in Hoop and Greenhouses
Packed full of useful, game-changing information, easy to navigate and access, provides a community of fellow farmers for ongoing encouragement and support. I have learned so much from all the courses I have taken from TGW. Each class has given me valuable tools in my business “toolbox” to use now and in the future as my business changes and grows! Lisa’s Basics class helped me learn how to transition from growing vegetables to growing annual flowers as I expanded my farm from just growing peonies to growing other flowers to add to my peonies for Farmer’s Market and CSA bouquets. Growing flowers is much more complicated than growing veggies and, after 1 season of great frustration with seeds not germinating or growing well, I was feeling like a big failure! Lisa’s Basics class was a game-changer for me in learning about cool and warm-season flowers, germination tips, and best growing practices. Dave’s class helped me learn how to add perennials to my farm. Jennie’s class helped me with my peony sales to wedding florists as I learned what wedding florists are looking for and how to help them be successful with their wedding events AND how to offer DIY buckets to wedding clients. Several years ago I began to realize that I needed to expand my season so I could have annual flowers earlier in the summer (we can have freezing temps into May here in Alaska!) and I knew I had to get a hoop house or greenhouse in the future. I took the Hoop and Greenhouse course last January so I could learn about Hoops & GH growing and be prepared whenever the time came that I could purchase one. The course is packed with great info on growing in structures as well as tips for success with many floral crops and lots of great info on “working smarter rather than harder!” As it turns out, the chance to get a hoop house “fell into our laps” this fall! We will be getting it set up next spring, and I feel confident that I will be able to “hit the ground running” and avoid a lot of mistakes because of the info I received in the Hoops and Greenhouses course! Finally – the private Facebook Groups created for each course are wonderful! Not only do you have advice from fellow famers just a click away, but I have also developed close friendships from interacting in the groups. It is great to have fellow farmers, who understand the ups and downs of flower farming, to share your frustrations and successes with!
Connect with Fox Hollow Peonies:,,
Brenda Hayden
Aunt B’s Blossoms
Ottawa, KS
Established 2019
Growing space: 1/4 acre
Main Sales Outlet: Farmer’s Market, website retail, beginning subscriptions this year
Courses Attended: The Basics, Annual Crops, Marketing, and More!
Bulbs, Perennials, Woodies, and More!
The Wedding Process
Growing Cut-Flower Crops in Hoop and Greenhouses
Easy to understand, accessible, and supportive! Aunt B’s Blossoms has introduced locally grown farm-fresh flowers to our community and is beginning to reintroduce those beloved forgotten flowers of the past.
Connect with Aunt B’s Blossoms:,,,
Sarah Wood
White Hall Flower Farm
Toano, VA
Established 2020
Growing space: 1/4 acre
Main Sales Outlet: Online Farmers Market, social media, on farm sales
Courses Attended: The Basics, Annual Crops, Marketing, and More!
Your course was a game-changer. It saved me several years of trial and error! Our first year of flower farming was amazing! We couldn’t be happier with the results from last year and we are so excited to see how we can expand and improve this year.
Connect with White Hall Flower Farm:,,
Jana Lefebvre
Garden Full of Blooms
Brenham, TX
Established 2020
Growing space: 5000 sq ft
Main Sales Outlet: Florists
Courses Attended: The Basics, Annual Crops, Marketing, and More!
Bulbs, Perennials, Woodies, and More!
Worth every dime! I started my flower business just because I love flowers and more than tripled in size within my first year. I never have enough flowers and I’m doing better than I ever imagined!
Connect with Garden Full of Blooms:,,
Kristin Hoskins
Three Way Flower Farm
Wichita Falls, TX
Established 2020
Growing space: 1/3 acre
Main Sales Outlet: Bouquet subscriptions
Courses Attended: The Basics, Annual Crops, Marketing, and More!
Bulbs, Perennials, Woodies, and More!
The Wedding Process
Informative, realistic, and thorough while still giving personal attention. The wedding process gave me basic, essential knowledge for what I need to do weddings. I realized I had to have key things -a cooler, a website, and good photography. Jenny lays out the process for online marketing as well with tips so that you can get a social media platform posting calendar going and be on point whether posting about weddings or farming in general. She also gives you confidence for growing for a specific date by unveiling the myth and helping you realize that it’s not that difficult with careful planning.
Connect with Three Way Flower Farm:,,,,
Virginia Rudnicki
Flora Berry Farm
Berry, KY
Established 2020
Growing space: 1 acre
Main Sales Outlet: Farmers Markets
Courses Attended: The Basics, Annual Crops, Marketing, and More!
Very helpful course, covering all aspects of farming including the importance of knowing you are a business. Using the information learned from the course, most flowers are growing and producing well. We have a good customer base at the market that purchases bouquets regularly plus branching out to receiving orders for bouquets. We also sell some flowers to florists.
Connect with Flower Berry Farm:,,,
Andi Thatcher
Rimrock Flower Farm
Roundup, Montana
Established 2019
Growing space: 1.25 acres
Main Sales Outlet: Direct sales retail (website orders), farmers market, and wholesale to florists. All are about equal.
Courses Attended: The Basics, Annual Crops, Marketing, and More!
This course gave me confidence in my ability to deliver a high-quality product, and charge an appropriate price for it! Going into the flower farming world in the state of Montana is not for the faint of heart. But taking Lisa’s class really changed the game for us. The “Cool Flowers” growing method is absolutely necessary if you grow in cold climates, and this class gave us the confidence to push the limits of just how tough these plants are! The business side of this class was a game-changer for us also. It gave us the tools to walk into those flower shops with beautiful product, and a price list we were confident to hand out!
Connect with Rimrock Flower Farm:,,,
Jonalyn Carver
Blossom Lane Farm
Baker, FL
Established 2019
Growing space: 2 acres and growing
Main Sales Outlet: Markets, florists, grocery, weddings, on-farm events, and subscriptions.
Courses Attended: The Basics, Annual Crops, Marketing, and More!
Bulbs, Perennials, Woodies, and More!
Growing Cut-Flower Crops in Hoop and Greenhouses
The Wedding Process
Growing Your Business with Local Flower Sourcing
They are a roadmap to sanity. We are just finishing up year three and because of the knowledge received from the classes, I feel that we make more informed decisions as we shape our farm business. Lisa’s Basics course got us started and growing ~ who knew that you could irrigate with drip tape? Cool Flowers changed my life! I am able to successfully grow flowers I hadn’t even heard of before. Dave’s Bulb, Perennials, and Woodies course gave us a step-by-step guide to follow. I was constantly pulling it up on my phone. Jennie’s Wedding Process course helped make our wedding contracts more professional and was invaluable in helping to set us up for success. Ellen’s Local Florist course really helped me serve our florist customers with more confidence. Steve and Gretel’s Greenhouse and Hoops course answered all of the questions we didn’t know we had. It completely changed how we farm in our hoop house and in the fields. I’ve also taken Jennie’s workshop class and Val’s bulb class. All of these classes have helped us build a framework of diversified success for the farm from farmers markets, grocery sales, florist sales, subscriptions, on farm sales, workshops and weddings. I would not have had the confidence to dream big enough to accomplish what we have without this framework.
Connect with Blossom Lane Farm:,,, View Bloom Lane Farm’s Story
Kristen Rubin
Sweetwater Stem Co
Gig Harbor, WA
Established 2019
Growing space: 1.5 acres
Main Sales Outlet: I was terrified but I went to the little neighborhood market on the corner with my bouquets and asked her if I could sell them from her store. The word got out and I now sell from three different markets within 10 minutes of my farm. I also do porch pick up, DIY wedding buckets, and I have wedding florist ordering.
Courses Attended: The Basics, Annual Crops, Marketing, and More!
Bulbs, Perennials, Woodies, and More!
Growing Cut-Flower Crops in Hoop and Greenhouses
The Wedding Process
I appreciate all the wonderful classes you provide for us beginning flower farmers. The way the classes are situated it’s very easy to access from my phone in the fields when I forget how to harvest something our need to look up a tad bit of information! As Lisa says, start slowly and grow your knowledge before you go big. Practice your harvesting and make sure you present your flowers in a professional manner. Grow three times as much foliage as you think you will need and succession plant! And, above all, be courageous and confident! Local flowers are amazing and bring JOY!
Connect with Sweetwater Stem Co:,
Sue Dykstra
Creekside Growers
Middleville, MI
Established 2016
Growing space: 1/2, plus 2 large heated hoop houses & 1.5 acres heated under roof for growing Garden Center crop
Main Sales Outlet: Through our garden center, but the goal is to grow into mostly providing for florists
Courses Attended: Growing Cut-Flower Crops in Hoop and Greenhouses
Growing Your Business with Local Flower Sourcing
The Wedding Process
Our biggest success is being community-oriented. We host many events at the greenhouse to invite people in including dinners in our gardens, design classes, and summer classes for kids to teach them about flowers and making their own vase. Our goal is to create relationships with designers and florists to build on our success.
Connect with Creekside Growers:,,,
Rebecca Muller
Locaflora Design
Gettysburg, PA
Established 2019
Growing space: Florist
Main Sales Outlet: Our retail shop + online sales + weddings
Courses Attended: Growing Your Business with Local Flower Sourcing
Connect with Locaflora Design:,,
Listen to Becca & Lisa’s recent chat.
Wendy & Gracey Brubaker
Morningside Meadows Flower Farm
New Carlisle, Ohio
Established 2018
Growing space: Less than 1/4 acre
Main Sales Outlet: Florist, CSA, design work, farmers market (equal mix of retail & wholesale)
Courses Attended: The Basics, Annual Crops, Marketing, and More!
Bulbs, Perennials, Woodies, and More!
Growing Cut-Flower Crops in Hoop and Greenhouses
After a trial first year and many failures, my 15-year-old daughter and I discovered that we loved becoming growers of flowers… that fall we dug in our heals and bit the bullet to immerse ourselves in a flower farming education with Gardeners Workshop. In our second year, we made wiser investments, grew ‘smarter’ with our newfound knowledge, added a hoop house, and broke even. We were hooked! After jumping in with all feet (& hands)— growing for success felt much more attainable. We’ve committed to continually expanding in knowledge and understanding (rather than square feet) using sustainable farming practices and now find ourselves tapping into a phenomenal market in the Miami Valley of Ohio. (Gross profit at in year 3, week 32 is over $31,500) Couldn’t be where we are in 3 seasons without these courses! Can’t wait to see more from Lisa.
Connect with Morningside Meadows Flower Farm:,,
View a video tour of the farm!
Erin Simmons
Handpicked Homestead
Vashon, Washington
Established 2017
Growing space: 1/6 acre
Main Sales Outlet: Florist wholesale & farmstand
Courses Attended: The Basics, Annual Crops, Marketing, and More!
Lisa provides high-quality material and I LOVE her personal involvement with each class & alumni group. Her presence makes a huge difference. I feel like she really cares, and being able to learn from an expert is a game-changer. Lisa teaches in a down-to-earth fashion that feels doable and realistic. Her positivity (and occasional reality checks) are valuable tools that keep me going long after I have completed the inaugural course she offered. Each year I have further invested in my business and have been more successful both financially and with flowers in the field. Last month, my flower income beat my “day job” income for the month – a milestone that made me feel great and further fueled the track I’m on. I continually learn from Lisa, both via new material in the online courses, in the alumni Facebook group, and the FB lives that she offers. I would not be where I am today without learning so much from Lisa!
Connect with Handpicked Homestead:,,
April Oestman
Sandhill Bloomers
Holyoke, Colorado
Established 2021
Growing space: 1 acre
Main Sales Outlet: Farmers market because of the support from both vendors and shoppers. I have built some wonderful relationships at the market, and the shoppers there seem to really like the more nontraditional bouquets.
Courses Attended: The Basics, Annual Crops, Marketing, and More!
Bulbs, Perennials, Woodies, and More!
Take it!!! It will increase your knowledge so much, which translates into more professionalism in your business.
Connect with Sandhill Bloomers:,,
Kellie Schmidt
First Fruit Flowers
Bellingham, WA
Established 2016
Growing space: 1/5 acre
Main Sales Outlet: Florist
Courses Attended: The Wedding Process with Jennie Love
I have learned so much from Lisa, Jennie, Dave, and Ellen. They generously teach and encourage farmers and florists. Cool Flowers have changed my whole farm process for the better. For most of my adult life, I’ve been a fourth-generation hobby gardener. Then I increased production to provide for my daughter’s wedding florist business (Blush Blossoms Floral). Over the next few years, I increased the garden to a 1/10 acre annual field with another approx 1/10 acre of perennials and woodies. Then I officially became my own business supplying to other florists, participating in a local growers group, and selling DIY wedding packages and market bouquets. My daughter and I run our businesses together including planning, growing, and designing. We each gravitate to our own specialties. We are more successful because of our partnership.
Connect with First Fruit Flowers:,,,
Kassi Yancey K
indness Flowers
Gastonia, NC
Established 2018
Growing space: 2,400 square feet
Main Sales Outlet: Farmer’s market, but moving towards subscription services and daily orders
Courses Attended: The Basics, Annual Crops, Marketing, and More!
Bulbs, Perennials, Woodies, and More!
Growing Your Business with Local Flower Sourcing
The online courses are extremely beneficial; I could not do any of this had I not taken these courses. They save thousands of hours of time otherwise doing your own research plus you get the benefit of the community in the courses. My desire is to focus more on design and supporting other locally grown flowers and botanicals when I can’t source from my own garden.
Connect with Kindness Flowers:,,
Lahia Annis-Christy
Lebanon, PA
Established 2020
Growing space: 1/8 acre
Main Sales Outlet: Straight to consumer through flower subscriptions.
Courses Attended: The Basics, Annual Crops, Marketing, and More!
The course gave me the knowledge to go from a home gardener to growing flower crops that are up to industry standards. I sold out this growing season’s (2021) flower subscriptions! I plan to double my growing beds for next year to accommodate more of the requests from local florists that I was not able to supply flowers for this year. Thanks to the course, I have the confidence to know that I can grow, harvest, and condition the flowers so I provide my customers with a superior product!
Connect with Burghblooms:,,,
Heather Moore
Fields of Heather Flower Farm
Perry, Iowa
Established 2019
Growing space: 1/8 acre
Main Sales Outlet: Local Florists. They’ve been so supportive and enthusiastic about my flowers
Courses Attended: The Basics, Annual Crops, Marketing, and More!
I was very nervous to approach my first florist. I did exactly as Lisa had instructed, I took samples, an availability list, and my contact information. I sat in my car at the first location working up the courage to go in. When I did, the florist was so receptive and so excited about my flowers! It was a contagious feeling to know that my flowers were valued and appreciated. Going to the next florist was so much easier after that. My community has been amazing! I get so much support on social media and was recently featured on the front page of our local newspaper. Tip: Download all of the reference materials. I look back at these all the time when I have questions! They’re my first source for answers.
Connect with Fields of Heather Flower Farm:,,, News Article Feature
DeAnne Benedict
Flowers to Bless
Camp Hill, AL
Established 2017
Growing space: 3/4 acre
Main Sales Outlet: I like selling to designers because I enjoy growing flowers more than designing. I love to see how they incorporate our flowers to create such beautiful arrangements for weddings and other events. I also enjoy selling at Farmer’s Markets because I like meeting other floral enthusiasts!
Courses Attended: The Basics, Annual Crops, Marketing, and More!
Growing Cut-Flower Crops in Hoop and Greenhouses The No-Till Micro-Scale Flower Farm
Forcing Glorious Blooms for the Holidays and Beyond!
Cool Flowers, Beyond the Book for Flower Farming
This course enabled me to learn everything I know to do. The information included will teach you everything you need to know about flower farming and it will guarantee your success. If you follow all of Lisa’s Instructions, you will be able to grow amazing flowers that everyone will love. Lisa presents the material in an easy to listen to and learn from format. It is a life-changing course. Since moving to our farm and following Lisa’s course material /resources and her continued educational offerings, we have quadrupled our sales. We are so thankful and could not ask for a better mentor and resource than Lisa! ????
Connect with Flowers to Bless:,,
Missy Rolfe
Honeybee Flower Boutique
Wildwood, MO
Established 2020
Growing space: 1/16 acre
Main Sales Outlet: Farmers Markets, with our 1967 Ford flower truck, Rosalee. It’s so fun to meet all the people and Rosalee and the flowers bring a lot of joy to others.
Courses Attended: The Basics, Annual Crops, Marketing, and More!
Bulbs, Perennials, Woodies, and More!
You will come away with so much useful information. I’ve learned so much in a short time. And the other thing I’d say is flower people are the best kind of people. I love the support and comradery in the flower community. I’m so blessed I get to do this and I’m so grateful for all of you!
Connect with Honeybee Flower Boutique: honeybeeflowerboutique@gmail.
Molly McCleary
Maypop Flower Farm
Neosho, Missouri
Established 2019
Growing space: 1/2 acre
Main Sales Outlet: Farmers markets have been a wonderful outlet to boost my confidence in sales but I’m finding more security with florists because they need a steady amount of flowers each week.
Courses Attended: Growing Your Business with Local Flower Sourcing
The No-Till Micro-Scale Flower Farm
Bulbs, Perennials, Woodies, and More!
The Basics, Annual Crops, Marketing, and More!
These courses are an encouraging space to grow. Loving instructors that are supportive of our process as beginning growers. They set a great foundation for me as I figure out my direction more and more. I recommend this course to everyone interested in this career because it is affordable and full of great information.
Connect with Maypop Flower Farm:,,,