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Connect with Ellen Frost of Local Color Flowers

Local Color Flowers, established in Baltimore, MD in 2008 as a part-time wedding floral business to provide Baltimore area couples with a more sustainable flower option. Over the past 12 years, Ellen has grown Local Color Flowers into a thriving business adding floral design classes, corporate events, subscriptions, and retail as well as creative social and educational community events – all using 100% locally grown flowers.

Have you connected with Local Color Flowers?!

They are sharing some pretty amazing & helpful tips over on her social media platforms.

localcolorflowers: @localcolorflowers
florists buying local flowers: @floristsbuyinglocalflowers

Local Color Flowers


Recent Instagram Posts:

View these podcasts and more with Ellen here. 

#130: Local Color Flowers – A Design Studio’s Year Month-by-Month with Ellen Frost

#124: How Local Color Flowers Is Evolving with Ellen Frost

#114: Jennie Love & Ellen Frost Share Their Top Books

#69: The Florist & the Farmer, Ellen Frost & Laura Resnick

#61: Florist Buying Local Podcast: The Secret Power of Local Flowers, meet Ellen Frost

Florist Buying Local Podcast: Selling Weddings by Color and Style with Ellen Frost

Florist Buying Local Podcast: Sourcing for 6 Big Weddings in a Weekend with Ellen Frost

Facebook Replay: How Ellen’s course will help your business

#80: Florist Buying Local, Visiting Flower Farms

#74 Florist Buying Local: Recognizing & Saying No When It’s Not a Good Fit

#66: Florist Buying Local: Flower Subscriptions

#59: Teaching Customers About Seasonality and Local Sourcing

Florist Buying Local Podcast: Winter Sourcing Altering your Designs

Florist Buying Local Podcast: Flower Co-ops

Florists Buying Local Podcast: Winter Sourcing

Facing Fears Inspires You and Others

Florist Buying Local

Selling Local Flowers When Global Wholesale Supply is Disrupted