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Join Lisa’s LIVE Masterclass: Where To Sell Cut-Flowers: Finding The Best Markets For Your Flower Farm” Learn More.

How long have you been a part of the TGW team and in what position?

Since 1998 and I pretty much do whatever is needed.

Name one thing thing you love about your job.

How we are helping people everyday to learn how to garden and farm, no matter where you maybe in the process.

What has been your favorite project at TGW?

Moving the business from my farm’s backyard into the fulfillment center. It wasn’t just exciting because we were busting at the seams, but was a surreal moment for me to witness that accomplishment.

What do you like to do when you’re not working?

I love gardening, walking my dog, and spending time with Steve, Tucker, family and friends.

Tell us about your pet.

Tucker, is our golden retriever that spends his days at my side and his evening glued to Steve.

What’s your best tip…

Just do it.

How long have you been a part of the TGW team and in what position?

I have been with TGW from the beginning in 2005. I also worked at the farm for years before that. I have done it all.

Name one thing thing you love about your job.

Working with my sister!

What has been your favorite project at TGW?

Creating a thriving business with my sister. Figuring out how to make everything work.

What do you like to do when you’re not working?

Family is #1. Hanging with my adult children is the best. My husband and I enjoy rock concerts, musicals, theme parks, and just being together.

Tell us about your pet.

Penny, Penny, Penny is our 2 year old golden retriever that my husband and I adore. Our two cats LizzE and Lily are warming up to her.

What’s your best tip…

Spend time in your garden. It’s good for your soil and your soul.

How long have you been a part of the TGW team and in what position?

In 2011 I started working on this growing team. Currently, I manage the Online Course and all technology including the website. But, I have done it all! I spent many years on the farm harvesting flowers, starting seeds and shipping products.

Name one thing thing you love about your job.

The best part of TGW is our team. Yes, lots of us are family but we are expanding quick and everyone is jumping in head first to help.

What has been your favorite project at TGW?

Working on our Online Courses. These courses are helping so many people start and expand their dreams of owning a flower farm. I also enjoyed my recent project of rebuilding our website, it was a lot of work but I love the end result.

What do you like to do when you’re not working?

I have 2 children that I have always homeschooled. We love to spend time at local museums, in the woods hiking, and playing little league baseball. We also spend lots of time in OBX at the beach.

Tell us about your pet.

Lucy is our 6 year old golden retriever. She is the princess in my house full of boys!

What’s your best tip…

Go outside, get dirty, and grow some happiness!

How long have you been a part of the TGW team and in what position?

We’re not quite sure how many years, somewhere near 2009. I met Lisa and Suzanne when they were selling flowers at Yoder Barn. I kept coming back to purchase flowers for my church flower guild. Then I did videos for flower arranging supplies they were selling. After that, Lisa hired me to work at the farm and I’ve been a farm worker ever since.

Name one thing thing you love about your job.

I love being outside and seeing what we started from seed grow.

What has been your favorite project at TGW?

Learning to be a good and valued employee. Through all our varied farm jobs and projects, I like knowing how to do most farm jobs, helping Lisa get them accomplished and working with new employees when they begin.

What do you like to do when you’re not working?

Cook, clean, garden. Smock and sew. I’m always working on or at something.

What’s your best tip…

Find out what you like to do and how that can give you satisfaction in life.

How long have you been a part of the TGW team and in what position?

In 2022 I started working in packaging, and then shipping, seed packaging, customer service, special events, the live show on Fridays, and Executive Assistant have been part of my experience at The Gardener’s Workshop.

Name one thing thing you love about your job.

The people! Our TGW family is full of kind, generous, and helpful folks. Everyone looks out for each other.

What has been your favorite project at TGW?

I do love packing seeds, but my favorite is running the technology for the Friday shows. I always learn something new from Lisa and sometimes I make my own shopping list in the middle of the show! The flowers are just so amazing.

What do you like to do when you’re not working?

I’ve been quilting for over 25 years, but I’ve just starting working with clay and hitting the pottery studio.

Tell us about your pet.

Ellie is our 11 year old Porkie (Pomeranian/Yorkie), and she is very sassy. Our WILD CHILD is 2 year old Rory, our daughter’s Make-A-Wish Australian Shephard.

What’s your best tip…

Brighten the corner where you are.

How long have you been a part of the TGW team and in what position?

I joined TGW in July 2021, and my role has since evolved into Growth Director. I now oversee communications, marketing, advertising, show and podcast production, and more. Before joining the team, I was a long-time student and admirer of Lisa’s work.

Name one thing thing you love about your job.

I’m passionate about connecting people with the educational resources they need to turn their flower farming dreams into reality.

What has been your favorite project at TGW?

Probably helping with Lisa’s latest book, The Cut Flower Handbook. Such a big project, and with a great result. 🙂

What do you like to do when you’re not working?

I’m also a micro-scale flower farmer! But when I’m not working I love to dance, particularly Hawaiian hula. I also volunteer with several local organizations.

Tell us about your pet.

We have two dogs, Salvy (Havanese) & Beau (Sheltie). They love chasing the tennis balls I throw for them in the yard. 🙂

What’s your best tip…

Always be experimenting – in gardening and in life!

How long have you been a part of the TGW team and in what position?

I have been at The Gardener’s Workshop since 2021. Just recently I became more involved with stocking inventory. I try to help wherever needed.

Name one thing thing you love about your job.

I’m usually involved in many different things during the workday which I like. The people are great!

What has been your favorite project at TGW?

I just like learning new things and figuring out a process to be more efficient.

What do you like to do when you’re not working?

I have 2 grown children that live in North Carolina and New Hampshire so getting together is challenging but I love being with family whenever possible. I enjoy having a project at home, love to paint a room.

Tell us about your pet.

I have 2 dogs. Sophie, a 9 year old yellow lab and Mollie, a 4 year old chocolate lab mix.

What’s your best tip…

Get outside and enjoy nature!

How long have you been a part of the TGW team and in what position?

I started in 2022. 

Name one thing thing you love about your job.

My coworkers are the best! It was great to come in to familiar faces.

What has been your favorite project at TGW?

I enjoy working with the invetory control.

What do you like to do when you’re not working?

Hang out with my 5 children and grand daughter.

Tell us about your pet.

I have 5 beagles (Mom, Dad, and 3 daughters ) and a miniature pinscher.

How long have you been a part of the TGW team and in what position?

April 2023, warehouse associate and farm assistant.

Name one thing thing you love about your job.

Coming to work and always doing something different.

What has been your favorite project at TGW?

Moving to our new warehouse.

What do you like to do when you’re not working?

Play chess.

Tell us about your pet.

I have two cats Ragnar and Valentine.

What’s your best tip…

Wear sunscreen!!

How long have you been a part of the TGW team and in what position?

Since 2020 – I handle incoming emails and other items as needed.

Name one thing thing you love about your job.

The TGW Team! It’s just the best group of people.

What has been your favorite project at TGW?

I truly love helping TGW customers getting their questions answered but their excitement when the lightbulb comes on for them about Cool Flowers is the absolute BEST!

What do you like to do when you’re not working?

I love to read, cook and take walks in nature. Afternoon naps are pretty awesome too.

Tell us about your pet.

Maggie is our 6 year-old rescue farm dog. She’s a Heinz 57 mix of lab, shepherd, collie and….gulp PIt Bull. She’s a miracle rescue too: she was thrown out on a road to die from PARVO. Our local vet and their hospital team saved her life. She’s been saving us ever since.

What’s your best tip…

Stay in the moment and savor the process whether it’s gardening, flower farming or just LIFE. We live in a crazy, social media driven world where everyone’s showing off the end product, the end result or running some sort of victory lap. I think we sometimes think when we get to a certain point or metric in life, that will be the moment to savor and take it in. It’s not. The moment is right now, in front of you. That’s where joy is found.

How long have you been a part of the TGW team and in what position?

My background is in engineering, and I started off packaging seeds as a fun side job in January 2021. My role quickly expanded, and I am now Seed Director, the creator, co-host, and producer of the “Seed Talk with Lisa & Layne” podcast, and the co-creator of the “Cool Flowers from Seed to Harvest” online course. My husband, Hrach, assists me as needed in what is affectionately known as the “seed scene”.

Name one thing thing you love about your job.

Challenging myself technically and creatively on a variety of projects and helping people to succeed in living a flower-filled life.

What has been your favorite project at TGW?

Taking both the “Seed Talk” podcast and “Cool Flowers from Seed to Harvest” online course from concept to creation has been incredibly fulfilling. Interacting with our podcast audience and course students and hearing their positive feedback, both virtually and at in-person events, is so meaningful and rewarding!

What do you like to do when you’re not working?

Hrach and I are very passionate about investing and love studying business and finance, creating financial valuation models, and concocting options strategies. We both love architecture, interior and landscape design, history, and DIY projects. When not in the garden, you might find me crafting baking recipes, playing the piano, or knitting.

Tell us about your pet.

A family of bald eagles that lives in a tree behind our house – they are not too keen on being pet, though… ; )

What’s your best tip…

Don’t be afraid to try something new and fail. You will learn more from your failures than your successes!