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Jessica S. I know I’m gushing a bit here Lisa Mason Ziegler, but the lessons you taught us in this class are something you can’t put a price tag on. I have gained a confidence I never thought I’d have. I know I will be reviewing some things again when it comes time for pinching and harvesting, and we have used many of the resources you listed in the class. A lot of the resources are helpful for our other endeavors on the farm. Anyway, just had to say Thank you again. I’ve told several people about taking your class and about your books. For me they were game-changers!

Roxine I’ve spent a lot of money on books and online classes the last 18 months, and this is by far, the best value with great down-to-earth information. My growing situation is similar – urban farming, no greenhouse, similar zone — so I really appreciate all of Lisa’s expertise and knowledge. Thorough and easy to understand. Looking forward to spring planting!

Kenny S.  This is one of the very best classes and learning experiences that I have ever participated with! If you are interested in growing cut flowers, you won’t find a better class than this one. Lisa is exceptional!

Betsy D. This course is worth EVERY penny! Lisa is extremely generous with her knowledge. This is my second year as a flower farmer and I learned so much. There is also a ton of information in the resource section of the course. I plan to listen to every lecture again. I highly recommend Lisa and her course.

Sarah M. I can’t say enough about this course. Lisa is an expert in smart flower farming. She cuts to the chase to make it as streamlined and efficient as possible to become a successful flower farmer. She goes over every little detail, even the things that you haven’t even thought about. By taking this course, I have probably already saved thousands of dollars in mistakes that I now will not make! Lisa really cares about helping new flower farmers get started. I feel like I not only am ready to go, I feel like I have a friend and mentor in Lisa.

Mather This class was wonderful. I found it to be very organized, comprehensive, understandable, and relatable. There is so much information, yet it is shared in a way that is very explanatory and not at all overwhelming. I feel like I have learned so much already. I also love that I can refer back to classes at any time to review information. It’s such an awesome resource in my tool belt. The Facebook page was helpful, as were the once weekly Q & A sessions too. This was money and time well spent and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this class to anyone looking to learn more about becoming a flower grower. A super valuable resource!

Kathy C. Lisa is the real deal. She is a wealth of knowledge and information. She shares successes and failures and her approach is very practical and relatable. She is a natural teacher and instills confidence. I have learned SO much from her and continue to learn. Her books are excellent resources!

Alicia V. If you want to know all about how to get started in growing your own “cut” flowers — you want to take the online farming course! Its not just for commercial scale growing, its also for someone like me who wants to grow flowers for floral design. Lisa will share with you her best practices, the best longest lasting flowers to grow, which to avoid to keep your garden as pest free as possible and also teaches you about soil building as so much more. I started with her Cool Flowers book, my first season and then also bought her Vegetables love Flowers book — both excellent resources and I’m so glad I bought them as my “primers” because while I learned a lot in those books, my knowledge scaled so much higher by taking her course. So excited to be seeing my 300+ seedlings growing, now, in zone 7 — and ready for the gorgeous blooms to be coming in Spring. Summer flowers will be so much nicer too — I know this. The pricing on this course is a bargain — look around and you will confirm this.

Moira M. Before taking Lisa’s comprehensive and super informative course, my operation was not producing what I had been hoping it would. Now, I have my whole season mapped out and little seeds already germinating. We are in the north, Zone 3, and with Lisa’s guidance from this course I am going to try to have fresh blooms for Mother’s day, thanks to her awesome soil blocking and seed starting tips and her fearless ability to plant cool flowers! I’ve been pushing the boundaries of my zone since i’ve started, but Lisa’s course has given me lots of tools to make smart decisions and try to extend my season with cool flowers (without an outdoor structure!). Whatever happens this growing season, I am forever a better gardener and business person thanks to this course investment! Many thanks for the wealth of knowledge and all the priceless teachings Lisa!

Dru P. A clear map to a year of success and profit! Love the seed starting, bed prep, succession planting, timing of starts, harvest techniques and marketing and sales tips! Lisa’s focus on low cost, large volume gorgeous flowers that people love is a great combination for bringing buckets of flowers to market! High production with low expense, strategic schedules, great tips for after harvest care…I’ll watch every session again when I start to stray into high priced, fussy, high maintenance, short vase life cut flowers and head back to what make sense: bountiful bouquets that last! Woo hoo!

Audrey H. Lisa Mason Ziegler’s course on Flower Farming is INVALUABLE for those wanting to get the best start possible on their own “field of Dreams”! I have also taken the Floret course, and found Lisa’s to be more practical, realistic, as well as affordable. You will get a HUGE return on your investment of time and money, and you will enjoy every minute of it!

Linda B. Great overview of the fundamentals of what it means to have a cut flower business. Lisa keeps things clear with her teaching style. This class doesn’t require a technical background but more experienced growers can get new insights too. Very practical information is shared. Worth it!

Kaylin E. I really enjoyed flower farming school online and appreciated all of the valuable information that you shared and the community that you created! As a backyard gardener who dreams of turning a hobby into something more I found your classes enlightening and very straight forward in relating what it takes to make a cut flower business thrive. Thank you!

Kara J. It’s a MUST TAKE course! Chalked full of information! So many tips, tricks and just tried and true successful growing. I am so happy I took it! I referred back to a video on seed starting last night!

Terry T. This is a great course, I wish we had it before starting our first year. She has lifetime access which is so great to be able to go back and brush up!  We would highly recommend the course. Nothing better than learning from someone with years of experience to give you a leg up on your business.

Sarah S. So much useful information! Lisa gives you all the tips and tricks you need to be successful.  I feel unstoppable in my ability to flower farm with everything I have learned!

Joanie Z. I took this course and loved it.  Knowledge is power and Lisa gave me so much valuable and useful information I feel so powerful.  This course makes sense.  You don’t need fancy equipment. Thank you Lisa.

Terry T. My husband and I just finished the Flower Farming school online classes and enjoyed it so much!  We will be going into our second year of growing and we wish we could have taken your class earlier. We learned so many tips, tricks and just down right better ways to do things!  Thank you so much for the time you and your team put into the classes. We highly recommend taking the class!

Yvonne S. This course is for everyone. The already flower farmer can tweak their knowledge and experience, the serious beginner has the advantage of getting in right from the get go, the very interested but undecided gets an honest detailed experience to help them decide and the ones that decide that flower farming is not for them receives information that they can apply to growing a garden or actually anything. Most of all a new appreciation for the gift of flowers and respect for the accomplishments of Mrs. Lisa Mason Ziegler. She would have been at the top of whatever she decided to do. She could not share more with her students. Thank you.

Nancy J. Fantastic course! Sorry that our last session is this week! Lisa was so knowledgeable and shared everything she knows about flower farming in an excellent manner. She answered all our questions and gave us a wonderful resource list! I’m so glad I took this course!

Darlene C. Your Cool Flowers book was one of my first purchases when I set my mind to flower farming. I’ve since read your other books, your blogs, taken your other free courses BUT THIS COURSE!!! 🙂 it has helped me step back, look at the time suckers (dahlias that I have to bag each and every bud because of insect pressure), reminded me of the importance of having a schedule and sticking to it, and 10 + pages of notes indicates I still had much to learn from you Lisa. I so appreciate the fact that this was an affordable class otherwise it would not have been in my budget. Thank you so much for sharing your passion for growing and the knowledge you have! It has been great!

Jessica S. Fired up our seed starting on Dec 30. And wouldn’t you know it, thanks to this fabulous online course I took from Lisa, the Lisianthus have germinated! So pumped! Love those soil blocks!

Betsy D. This course is so valuable. As a second year flower farmer, I have learned so much – and discovered how much I was doing incorrectly. The course has given me a path to follow with wonderful directions. Thank you, Lisa! I hope to meet you “live” one day!

Joyce P. Excellent course! I’ve learned so much over the past six weeks! Thank you Lisa for sharing your knowledge and wisdom of flower farming.

Jane V. I really have enjoyed this course, especially the realism you share. The course was truly worth the money!! I had so many questions, but you keep answering them before I can even ask. Thank you sooooo much.

Emily L. Hi Lisa, I just finished your seed starting course. It was wonderful! Thanks!

Michelle K Thank you so much, Lisa, for being so enthusiastically generous with your knowledge and experience. Every time I see you speak at a conference, in a video or read one of your books or articles, I find myself smiling and feeling more empowered. You are not only a superb flower grower, but also a superb grower of flower growers! And please, tell your sister thank you for me for all the work she puts in behind the scenes! I wish I had a Suzanne of my own! Keep up the wonderful work, both of you lovely ladies!

Paula P.
–Loved the Flower Farming Course.
–included easy to follow detailed information
–much more information than expected
–videos were an amazing plus as 0 5 of population are visual learners
–Passed on amazing quick tips to stream line the business (bucket markers, systems for saving time, etc)
–loved the outline before each session.  I printed it out and used the rest of the blank page for my notes on that session.  Because the outline is printed out on the top of the page, I know what my notes on that page are about.
–loved your slide layouts, easy on the eyes and so cute with your little decorations.

Jessica K. If I could sum up this course in two words it would be to strive towards simplicity and efficiency. You really demystified flower farming and it has been a FABULOUS course. I appreciate you sharing all the practical aspects of flower farming, such as, demonstrating through photos and videos where and how to cut flowers for harvest was invaluable.
I’ve never attempted to grow commercially before, but I do believe I’ve been given a good foundation having taken this course. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, Lisa!

Charlotte C. This course is invaluable. The detail is priceless. Thank you Lisa for so generously sharing tips and experiences. As someone living in the southeast, I can appreciate the difficult growing conditions we experience: sometimes (rarely) drought, extreme heat and humidity, insect pests, strong winds, pounding rain, flooding, as well as heavy wet snow and often extreme cold. High and dry we are not! Thank you again.

Cheres P. When I grow up, in flower farming, I want to be like u, Lisa! Thanks so much for being who you are and a great teacher! I’ve enjoyed the journey with you!

Jacquelyn C. Thank you Lisa for providing such a wealth of knowledge. There are still videos I have not yet opened because my season is still finishing up. Your course is so packed with material that is practical and important. I feel much more rounded having finished my first year with you. Thank you!

Kathy H. Having jumped into flower farming this past season just before taking the course, I have to say Lisa that you touched on everything I needed to know but learned the hard way! This course outlined exactly what a new flower farmer needs to know to get started in a simple, straightforward and down to earth approach with everything in one place. Your tips and your open and honest way of explaining things to us about how you started and what you do in your business was not only informative but somehow provided a sense of confidence that we could do this too! What more could we ask for? It would be wonderful to meet you in person one day! I’m sad it’s over now but I can’t wait to try out the many things I have learned. (Soil Blocking…who knew how much time and space this is going to safe me!!) Thank you Lisa Mason Ziegler. Best of luck to you and looking forward to our final live Facebook meeting.

Jennifer B. Agreed, this course is for every level of flower farmer. I am five years in and wish that I had this course at the beginning, it would have saved me so much heartache. This wonderful course has taught me so much about efficiency, and how to streamline our operation, as well as marketing. My husband and I are so grateful Lisa that you shared your wealth of knowledge and experience, and your true talent for teaching with us all.  It has been a great experience and I can’t wait to apply all that I have learned next season.  I am three lessons behind as well so I look forward to taking the time to slowly study and finish the course over the next few weeks.  Thank you again Lisa!

Kristien H. Everything in this course was so practical and efficient! Before this course I was wondering how you could learn from an online course. In these last weeks I have learned so many new things for my starting flower farming business ‘Buitenbloemen’ in Belgium. Thanks a lot Lisa and team.

Sue K. Excellent, excellent course!! Would recommend it to everyone. Thank you, Lisa, for your generosity in sharing your knowledge and taking the time to put together a very “down to earth”, “straight to the point” class.

Erin H. The wealth of information received from an experienced flower farmer is an amazing gift for someone like me that is just starting out. I love all of the tips, pics and videos and would even enjoy a few more that show all of us in class the ins and outs of Lisa’s system. I am thrilled to have the online classes to weave into my busy days with kids and starting a homestead. The private Facebook page for Q&A is a great resource as well! Thank you so much, Lisa, for these classes and taking the time to answer all of our questions throughout!

Brenda Just completed the flower farming course. I’m so glad I made the decision to do this. Even though I’ve been gardening forever, commercial farming is completely different and Lisa explains her process/plan so well. I can definitely say I am more prepared to jump into this journey with her guidance.

Patty F. We are in the middle of this 2018 course right now. It’s packed full of information, videos by Lisa, which address so many important topics, Live Q@A weekly with specific questions from classmates that are all addressed by Lisa. We are provided with a wealth of resources….and SO MUCH more. A+++++

Terry T. We are taking Lisa’s class this year and loving it. She is so full of knowledge and is extremely helpful with answering questions! She feels like an old friend  I give the class 5 STARS!!

Julie O. What a valuable course this has been! You have made my “far-fetched” dream seem very doable. My husband has even been convinced. :^) I have been amazed at your efficiency and thoroughness in answering all of the questions. I can only imagine the number of mistakes that this course has saved me from making (though I’m sure I’ll make plenty more anyway!). Thanks so much for your generosity and willingness to share your hard-earned knowledge.

Moira L. Thank you Lisa. Great group of videos. Very informative and worth every minute of listening.

Bronwyn L. I just finished Online Flower Farming School and Lisa’s practical and personable teaching was a delight. The course is well planned and generous with information to help any level gardener delve into the business of growing/selling flowers. Lifetime access to the course library is a bonus and along with her books provides a solid foundation to further my business dreams. I highly recommend!

Roxine I’ve spent a lot of money on books and online classes the last 18 months, and this is by far, the best value with great down-to-earth information. My growing situation is similar – urban farming, no greenhouse, similar zone — so I really appreciate all of Lisa’s expertise and knowledge. Thorough and easy to understand. Looking forward to spring planting!

Kayla D. This course blew me away! Lisa is down to earth and tells it like it is! This information has been invaluable and I just feel so blessed to have taken this class. My partner who was skeptical of me taking an online course about farming, is now a believer and has been telling all his family and friends about how helpful this course has been. Thank you Lisa for making this affordable, informative, and fun program! It’s honestly and I say this tearfully, perhaps the best course I’ve ever taken as an adult. You have given us all truly a wonderful gift.

Georgene B. This course is worth its weight in gold. Tons of great information for all aspects of being a flower farmer. Lisa is down to earth and shares her knowledge as if you were her colleague, she’s very inspiring. One of my take aways from the class is, Leave No Bare Soil -:)

Valerie K. For a newbie flower farmer, this course gave me tremendous knowledge. The outline of this course is well-structured, meaning this does not only teach you how to grow flowers yet it also teaches you the structure of your flower farming business, the legality work, and so much more. I am so glad that I took this class and many thanks to Lisa for making this class affordable. I would recommend everyone who’s wanting to start a flower farming business to get on with this course. It’s money well spent!

Eileen D. Hi Lisa! I am a bit behind…just finished Class 5 but I am loving the school and I am learning so much! I would recommend this class to anyone thinking about starting a flower business! 

Cheres P. Excellent course but I’m behind too!  trying to manage life with farming! So glad you talked about that. It has given me more to think on and do. That was one reason I took your course because of that aspect alone. Plus learning more about hardy annuals…I am definitely glad I got this course and can’t wait to finish it….the price was fantastic! Lisa, you are like a friend doing it with us in this business not as a “I’m a better flower farmer than you”. Thank u so much for being you!Would definitely recommend to fellow first time flower Farmers.

Louie C. Lisa, What a wonderful course! It was well thought out and contains so much useful information. I greatly appreciate that you provided so much detail on every facet of flower farming and I know that I will refer back to the class over and over. The Facebook Live events were really helpful, too. Thank you for the resources and downloads section – not having to look up everything myself is such a time-saver. I loved your presentations and its easy to tell from the way you teach that you love what you do and you want each of us to succeed, too. I waited anxiously for each class to download – what am I going to do on Monday mornings now?? So glad we’ve got the private Facebook site to keep us all in touch!

Kim W. It has been an excellent course and I have learned so much! I’m also way behind and haven’t finished yet.

Fawn R. I’m going into my third year flower farming. I’m also a Master Gardener with a lot of years of gardening behind me. My biggest concern going into this course was that it wouldn’t be in-depth enough for me, or would just cover things I already knew. However within minutes of watching the first video I nearly started crying because it was exactly what I needed to hear. I love this course! Lisa covers the nitty-gritty of flower farming with charm and a down to earth, straight forward approach.

Charity H. I am considering growing cut flowers as my 2nd career or at least in conjunction with another career path. I also attended your on-farm workshop in March. As I try to determine if cut flowers can be a viable option for me, I REALLY appreciate your honesty regarding the pains and joys of flowering farming. I’m sure you’ve heard it many times before, but your down-to-earth attitude and humor make learning from you a pleasure.

Bratati L. 3 weeks of courses and I have learned so much already! I love Lisa’s no nonsense approach and the multiple options and tips she provides. The format is convenient and flexible for those of us with an overbearing day job! A great value for anyone working to expand or improve their flower farming dreams!

Katie D. Thanks for everything, Lisa!  I’ve been listening to the courses over and over on my commute and keep learning something new.  Thanks for all that you’ve shared!

Louie C. Thank you so much, Lisa!  This has been an awesome class!

Nancy J. Lisa you totally rocked your first online flower farming school! So glad I took it! We are all going to go through ‘Lisa’ withdrawal! It’s been just fantastic!

Franklin Flower Farm Online school has been incredible and a game changer for me in so many ways!

Beth F. Thank you for a wonderful course! Your enthusiasm, knowledge and generosity are inspiring. I can’t wait to see what comes next.

Shelley Z. I just want to thank you for your willingness to improve the industry. Educating us all is awesome. Growing flowers for 30 years in a world renown garden helped with knowledge but you have put all the pieces of the puzzle together in a new pattern. Very helpful!

Kaysie S. Thanks so much Lisa for a great course!!!!

Betsy D. Thank you, Thank you, thank you.  I have learned so much!

Debbie H. I loved the class!

Patty F. Such a Great Course Lisa!!  You did a super job!!