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Learning from Dave Dowling

Learning from Dave Dowling

Have you learned from Dave Dowling? Dave’s depth of knowledge from what to grow, where to get it, which way to grow it,  and how to harvest and sell it is a business-changing experience. I am sharing a portion of a conversation I had with Dave about the many...

Growing Great Dahlias

Some of the very first dahlias I grew. After growing lots of dahlias over the past few years I’ve come to the conclusion that it is much easier than I ever dreamed. They are the beauties of fall for sure. They can become quite addictive if you aren’t...

Growing Amaryllis

Large bulbs lead to more stems, bigger flowers and many buds. Growing Amaryllis is much easier than it would appear. I think the beauty of the blooms literally scares people from growing them. But let me  share the secret– the flower is in the bulb when you buy it and...