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“The Scampering of Chocolate Feet”

by | Feb 10, 2014

Cats notwithstanding, we have certainly had our share of big-eyed mice in and around our home. When we moved into the old Yoder farmhouse after it had sat desolate for six years, the mice welcomed us first.


We were sleeping upstairs on the floor before our bed was delivered, and were enchanted to wake up each morning with a freshly shelled peanut in Robby’s right shoe.

These days the treats aren’t forthcoming, so we have arranged to make our own. Especially when a little girl who is turning two or three has a birthday celebration.


Last year the mice showed up at a tea party spanning four generations at the Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community in Harrisonburg. Nina turned two, and lots of great-great aunts and assorted other relatives were there. They loved the mice!


Even the owl cupcakes loved the mice! As well they might.


Nina and Simon were momentarily more impressed by all the vintage relatives


The mouse-making project is a lot of fun, and here is how you too can have chocolate feet scampering through your house.


Melt chocolate chips or other chocolate for dipping.

Dip maraschino cherries with stems into the chocolate.

Press a Hershey’s kiss against the gooey chocolate cherry, inserting two thin sliced almond pieces for ears.

Allow to harden. Add eyes, by first a drop of white decorating gel, then a small drop of black or brown in the middle of the white. Each expression is different!

This year I had to use purple, since Food Lion had no black or brown. However, that was perfect for a birthday girl whose favorite color is “pull-pull!” Happy birthday, Nina, my one and only grand-daughter! I love you!
