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New book coming 2014!

by | May 17, 2013

I am so excited to share that I have signed a book contract!! This is the book I have longed to do. It will be in my normal style of cutting to the chase and giving you what you need to have the best spring garden ever. Look for it in the summer of 2014, the publisher is St. Lynn’s Press in Pittsburgh.

Please follow along as this book comes together. Suzanne my sister is doing the photography and we are busy as ever getting photos that will guide you to success and make you crave a spring garden of your own! Susan (friend, one of the bloggers, and fellow farm worker) who has guide me for years is also working with us—a team to watch!

We are heading to Maryland next week for two lectures and are stopping along the way at my good friend Dave Dowling’s farm to see what he has growing. We are excited to get some photographs of perhaps varieties I didn’t grow this year. Checkout his website

I will begin work next on the “page map” that I will follow for each hardy annual flower I will include in the book— I love the thought of this concept, structure could be my middle name. After I come up with an easy read layout and pertinent information I will plug in some information for a flower and then see what our publisher thinks. Yikes, feels like I have a boss after 15 years of self-employment.

Spring has sprung as they say!

Lisa Z