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Organic Gardening

How I Use a Silage Tarp

When I started dabbling with using the silage tarp technique several years ago I didn’t understand how it could impact my gardening and farming future. It solves problems I’ve faced in the past and is an excellent alternative to tilling the soil—-especially if you...

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Weed-Free Seedbeds

Weed-Free Seedbeds

If you want weed-free seedbeds for next spring---you better hop to it now. A little work today will save much work come spring. Fall sown hardy annual seeds are some of the easiest and most rewards spring flowers to grow if you prevent the weeds! The Weed Seed...

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The Many Uses of Floating Row Covers

Floating Row covers can prevent so many problems in the garden, I'm not sure if I would still be gardening if it wasn't for them. They help prevent pest damage, protect plants from the elements and so much more. I am never caught without row covers on hand. Covering...

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Have a Weed-Free Season

Have a Weed-Free Season

Don't miss the 'How-to use the stand-up garden hoe' video below. Is it just a dream to have a weed-free growing season? It’s not if you plan on preventing weeds! We use two planting methods on the farm and each has its own plan of weed prevention. About weed seeds......

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Garden Gold

There is no more welcoming time of year in the garden then when all the Garden Gold starts piling up around here. What am I talking about? Bags of leaves of course. For the next couple of months we gather and put down leaves on the farm like crazy, you might say they...

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Using Floating Row Covers

I am often asked how I use row covers on my farm. Below are the reasons to use, how to use, and when to remove. In all installation during warm-to-hot weather hoops are recommended to create more air space under the cover. I use the lightweight floating row cover...

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Free and Easy Super Soil!

Who knew building super soil could be free and easy! The only ingredient required are leaves and they are falling to the ground now and waiting for you. The Gift of Grandpa Ziegler The #1 question I get is “how did you build that super soil on your farm?” My reply is...

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Pollinators–Plant and they will come!

I didn't set out to fill my farm with pollinators and other beneficial insects. You might say it has been a side effect of all-natural cut-flower farming. As simple as it sounds, it's true. Just plant flowers. Don't use pesticides--organic or otherwise. Soon a wave of...

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Winning the War on Weeds!

One of the most common questions I’m asked is how do I deal with weeds? My answer is simple: we do our best to prevent them and when we don’t prevent them we use a hoe. When using a real garden hoe (like our grandparents used) it is effortless to prevent weeds and to...

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