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Enjoy Everyday Gardening

by | Feb 10, 2009

Gardening doesn't always have to be about chores, planting or planning and today was one of those days. Today my gardening was about receiving encouragement, so that I might encourage others.

Suzanne and I have been practically chained to our computers finishing our 2009 catalog that is full of "Our Favorite Things." But today my part was completed so I took a trip to the garden.

Oh, how wonderful to gaze and dream of what is to come. All the work that lies ahead doesn't seem to matter much now. I peeked under row covers, the snapdragons look a bit ragged and the larkspur spotty but they are still there. I pulled a few weeds, made a few mental notes. We have plans to increase the size of the garden–again, and I have high hopes for new flower varieties, more vegetables and even some herbs thrown in to get things rolling this year.

The surprise of the garden trip today–the Lenten Roses are blooming in the shade garden. I hope to shoot a TGW TV clip this week of getting the shade garden ready to bloom- so keep an eye out for it.

Gardening is about enjoying it everyday-

Lisa Z
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