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Garden Abundance in January!

by | Feb 8, 2010

Today is January 28, coming off of a below 30 night, with lots of low 20 degree nights previously and I just harvested beautiful turnips, swiss chard, spinach and lettuces! I am really enjoying winter in a whole new way this year. I just love walking past the lettuce and greens in the grocery store thinking—I have those at home in my garden!

Although many say to me that winter is a tough time for gardeners, I beg to differ. Our garden is bustling with things to do and look at this time of year. I hardly have time to do my official winter chores of planning!

The Lenten Roses are budding up (the best deep shade plant ever!) and our Camellias are blooming. It’s all I can do to hold the snapdragons and rudbeckias back from blooming to early. Although our gardens have literally been under water 2 different times this year from the fast downpours we have had-all seems to be well.

It’s the perfect time to prune. If you aren’t sure what and how to prune- Google your questions, there are many sources that can help you.

It’s to early to start most seeds- visit my Learning Center and checkout the transplant guide that tells how far in advance to start specific seeds. Transplant Guide

Happy Gardening! Oh Yeah- don’t forget to gather some leaf bags for mulch in your gardens!

Lisa Z

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