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Garden Planning is in full swing

by | Jan 26, 2008

This is the time of the year that flower farmers spend a lot of time sharpening their pencils- making plans and then remaking them. The greatest challenge is the seed catalogs making all the seeds look and sound so good! It is so hard to resist—but I have learned to do just that. I have limited garden space and don’t have room for any poor performers!

There is so much more to a seed becoming a plant than the pictured flower it ultimately produces. Is the seed easily started? Is it a slow grower? (if a seed takes a year to mature into a suitable plant forget it!) Do you have to fuss over it in the garden? Is it attractive when it’s not in bloom? If it is a cut flower garden- does it hold up in a vase? does it require special handling (yuck!)

After years of buying a lot of "bomb" seeds, I have come full circle and heavily rely on other grower recommendations.  if a grower hasn’t tried it and commented– I wait to try it. There are so many easy, strong growers–no need to waste space or energy on bomb performers!

Spring is coming!

Lisa Z