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Garden Treasures

by | Dec 28, 2007

Spent the day yesterday clearing the garden to get ready for spring and came across lots of treasures. After laboring for so many years in my garden I am happy to report that I am reaping many benefits.

As I was pulling the bed of dried lemon basil plants out, the fragrance filled the garden and I was reminded that they make excellent fire starters that will also fragrance the house. I no longer have a fireplace but back in the day, I would bundle all the dried plants in small packs and use them to start fires. How Martha is that!

The greatest reward yesterday was readying my volunteer garden for spring. This is the garden that replants itself each year. I love it even though it is a little more work then most of my other gardens. Why you ask is it more work? Because it needs to reseed to reproduce for the next year, it cannot be heavily mulched for weed control. So, not only do the flowers reseed, but weed seeds are always trying to grow in there, it is a constant battle. Yesterday I weeded and transplanted lots of little baby flowers to other areas in my landscape where I’d like to have some more “free” flowers. Some of the flowers in that garden are: larkspur, nigella, Rudbeckia, bachelor buttons, sweet peas, bupleurum and yarrow.

I also had company in the garden yesterday, the Blue Birds spent the entire day supervising my efforts!

Garden all winter!

Lisa Z