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My Garden is Alive with Flowers and Birds

by | Jul 5, 2009

I am afraid at this time of year it is hard to find time to write but the action here has compelled me to stop and share. The garden has kicked into high gear and has begun to produce thousands of stems a week.

The zinnias are absolute gorgeous. Every year I am in total awe of the beds in full bloom, I could stand and gaze forever. We plant in solid colors and it makes for a site to behold. The new Benary's Giant Zinnia Wine is a home run—we have it planted next to the orange Giants and they are beautiful together.

Suzanne will be posting some garden photos this week.

The other fascinating happenings in the garden is the bird action. My goodness, early this morning, lining the wire fence on the pasture where goldfinches, sparrows, cardinals, robins, a mockingbirg, an unidentified bluebird (not an eastern bluebird), wrens, and a titmouse all watching me fill the front garden bird bath. It's like they had a front row seat at a movie, lined up right next to one another.

This is why I love gardening, zinnias and birds.

We are now offerng walk and talks in the garden in addition to our programs—come on out and see us.

Enjoy gardening!

Lisa Z

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