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Red-Tailed Hawks Nest

by | Dec 30, 2011

As I sit at my new writing site for the winter I have a great view of our resident hawks nest. We discovered it 2 years ago and have watched their babies grow up. We have been entertained by their first flights, playing, hunting attempts and even wrestling in our gardens.

We all anticipate the spring activity of the nest and yesterday I had my first glance.

As I sat to look out over the farm to ponder my planning, my eye was drawn to the nest. There sitting was one of them, perched on the nest, looking out over the farm just as I was. The sun was shining on their breast and although hundreds of feet away, I could see them as clear as if they right outside my window.

I watched until they flew off, flying over our fields and gardens perhaps looking for a meal or may be pondering the upcoming season and the babies they would raise.

Spring will be bursting soon!

Lisa Z