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Season is well under way

by | May 17, 2012

We are full speed ahead here. We are harvesting, planting, starting seeds and selling lots of flowers!

Seed starting will continue weekly throughout the season, not as intense as the early season but just as important.  We start a thousand sunflowers a week and those start a couple of weeks ago are planted each week.

Harvesting is going really well, we are keeping ahead of all of our customers’ needs which is always a challenge. We have our first lilies and many sunflowers on the way. We know sticking to the schedule no matter what is what keeps our garden producing tons of fresh beautiful blooms.

I have become a deer stalker! Our spraying program is working but the deer need a little more reassurance that t hey do not want to come onto my farm! Babs our Golden Retriever is happy to do this job. We go out during late night or early morning with a bright light and look for the eyes, when found, Babs chases like no tomorrow. This seems to keep them from wandering into our yard for a few days.

Flowers are good for your soul!

Lisa Z