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Seeds to Plant Directly in the Garden

by | Sep 13, 2012

How-to Plant Seeds Directly in the Garden:
• Start with a weed-free spot. Right before planting your seeds disturb the top 1″-2″ of soil to eliminate any in-progress weed germination. This gives your flower seeds the same chance to grow like the weed seeds that live in all soil.

• Using a trowel or your hand, draw a line in the bed or make depressions in the soil with your hand in a grouping pattern or straight line in which plant your seeds. This line or depression is shaped similar to a “V” like a trough that is approximately 1-2″ deep. The seeds will be planted at the bottom of the “V” trough. This helps direct water to the seeds and makes it easy to see where you’ve planted.

• For small seeds, pick up several between your fingers and sprinkle in the bottom of the trough. Larger seeds can be spaced every 3-4″. Cover the seeds according to directions, firming in with a light touch of your hand.

• Mark your seed plantings! Use plastic knives as markers, and write seed names with a Garden Permanent Marker Pen.

• Water in well and keep moist until they have germinated, which can be 4 – 30 days depending on your conditions. Covering with a Floating Row Cover for 10-14 days after planting will enhance germination greatly. This cover helps to retain soil moisture, protects from the hot sun and drying winds, and keeps rabbits, squirrels, and other pests at bay.

• Once a week push back the row cover and remove any sizable weeds by hand, and run a Hand Hoe or stand-up Garden Hoe over the entire area except where the seeds are planted. This will eliminate any germinating weed seedlings.

• Once a week until winter comes, water with an Organic Liquid Fertilizer according to directions.

• When the plants reach 4-8″ tall, remove the row cover, weed, and thin to the recommended spacing. Mulch with any organic mulch such as but not limited to: bark, shredded leaves, or pine straw. We apply mulch deeply to prevent weed growth. If mulch settles, top off as needed.

• Your bed should be ready to go to sleep for the winter. We often replace the row cover after mulching just to provide added protection and to get the earliest bloom. The added warmth created by the row cover encourages growth.

Now just wait for spring blooms!