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Start an Easy Compost Bin

by | Sep 9, 2008

Start an Easy Compost Bin


Composting is not only the responsible thing to do for the environment; it makes what we gardeners like to call “black gold.” Homemade compost is one of the richest organic products you can add to your garden and containers. In keeping with my “simple and easy,” I am going to tell you my version of composting.


Many of us have attempted to compost large masses of yard waste (leaves and grass clippings) in the past without success. Usually this is because we do not have the space or energy to manage such volume. We are so fortunate to live in an area where our cities collect yard waste at curbside and then process it into compost for us. So, have no guilt about sending your leaves, clippings and branches to the curb. I personally buy tons of compost from the city.


Composting kitchen-fresh scraps is simple and easy to do as homeowners and will really make a difference. These are products that would otherwise go to the landfill.  You can greatly reduce your family’s contribution to the landfill by making your own “black gold.” Here’s my “lazy version” of composting using our compost bin and bucket.


  • Use our circular bin enclosure that is at least 36” diameter and 30” tall, with holes.  Place on soil.
  • Locate in a shadier than sunny spot.
  • Pick up a bale of straw at the local feed or garden center. Place next to bin.
  • Keep a plastic bucket in your kitchen to easily collect scraps.
  • Scraps include: all raw produce-the smaller you chop the quicker it cooks and keeps the varmints out, coffee grounds, and egg shells. No meats or cooked foods.
  • Begin building your pile by emptying your bucket every few days into the bin, spreading out the kitchen scraps evenly.
  • Top off the scraps with several inches of straw each time.
  • Keep your bin moist, but not soaked.
  • Continue building your pile by making“lasagna” of scraps and straw.


When using a bin with holes, there is no need to turn the pile. Your kitchen scraps are the “green” matter and the “straw” is the brown matter. The reason I use straw is it is very quick to break down, which speeds the process. The earthworms will flock to your bin; they love straw and will also speed the process up. To view our compost supplies:–dsh–dsh-Composting/Categories


After months of filling my sleeve bin, I slide it off the pile and start a new pile next to the old one and begin using the “gold” of my labors.


Please call 1-888-977-7159 or email your composting questions [email protected]  


Happy Composting!

