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The Cool-Season Flower Chronicles Week 4

by | Aug 24, 2021

Remember, it’s not about you when deciding how-to start seeds.   Often I hear folks speaking of why they decided on which method of starting their seeds and honesty, their reasons had nothing to do with the best method for a particular seed!   Here’s the thing, once you realize that seed starting can be easy once you know what it needs and give it to them— success is eminent. It is really that simple.   The Cool-Season Flower Chronicles Week 4 is all about making the choice, do you plant the seeds in the garden or do you start indoors. I hope it sheds some light for you! Next Week is the final night in the series. I hope you’ll join me for the grand finale!   Links mentioned: Biodegradable mulch film Bio360 Garden Hoe Row Cover Kit Link to cool-season seeds by category: Category–Plant seeds directly in the garden Category–Start seeds indoors All cool season flower seeds The Umbel family: Dill Ammi Majus False Queen Anne’s Lace