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The garden is on the edge…of flowers I think

by | May 27, 2008

I am afraid to say it, but I think the little bit of heat we finally have had here in southeastern Virginia has my flowers actual growing. The beds of celosias that I have been so concerned over because they are such heat lovers, look like they may pull thru this mess of a spring. I have 90% of the garden mulched and am pretty happy with the way things are looking considering the way I felt 2 weeks ago.

The problem this has all created is I am still planting and mulching and just beginning to net our beds when the harvest is starting—just a whole of work to be done that is usually done over a longer period of time. But at least it looks like I am going to have flowers so I'll stop whining.

I will spend the next 2 weeks netting our beds and deciding if any of the early planted beds should be pulled out and started over- sometimes it is far better to start over then to nurse a crippled crop that will torture me for months to come.

I am having much fun watching the loads of baby birds- robins everywhere, wrens, and gold finches are like little ornaments in the garden.

Remember the secret to low maintenance is to mulch mulch mulch!! Weed well first- I hoe then mulch immediately.

We should be knee deep in flowers soon!

Lisa Z