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The Secret of a Cutting Garden

by | Apr 29, 2015

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Most of us have dreamed of the beautiful cut flowers a backyard garden can provide for our home, but the secret that lingers in that garden is known only by a few. My sister Suzanne and I discovered this secret when we started making gift bouquets. We took the extra flowers from our commercial cutting gardens and shared them with those who needed a bright spot in their day.

cut flowers

Early summer bouquet.

In doing so, we have found that there is something very special about giving a gift of flowers that you have taken the time to grow and tend. Our simple bouquets are made in hand and rubber banded to keep it together. We drop them on the porches of unsuspecting recipients in dime store plastic buckets with a note that says,” Thinking of you.” Recipients of our gift bouquets call with overwhelming words of thankfulness. The flowers give a lift to the spirits of both the giver and the receiver.

p-6536-a20792013afa22e4e5161d_lMy easy to understand 100 page guide, The Easy Cut Flower Garden  make having a small cutting garden a realty!

Teaching others how to have a small cutting garden in their backyard has become another way for us to pass the gift on. We encourage you to try it—we love hearing the heartwarming gifting stories that happen as a result. The secret, of course, is what the garden produces in addition to flowers: kindness, sharing of burdens, and deeper friendships.

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Our most requested seed collections is the perfect companion to my book The Easy Cut Flower Garden making a perfect set. Book Kit

Our seed collections are composed of all easy-to-grow seeds that produce a beautiful flower garden and fabulous cut flowers. Harvesting your garden as recommended will produce enough flowers each week for you and for a gifting bouquet. Anyone with a small sunny spot 3’ x 10’ can grow this lovely garden. Sowing these seeds in spring will bring a bounty of blossoms to be harvested all summer and fall!

A cutting garden is a labor of love, joy and hope!

Thought you might like to know the secret of a cutting garden.

Happy spring and summer,


Lisa Mason Ziegler is a commercial cut-flower farmer in Newport News, Virginia; she lectures and writes about organic and sustainable gardening. You can email Lisa at [email protected] , call her at 757-877-7159 or visit her website .

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