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The Seeds Need to Be Alive

by | Jan 30, 2009

It's that time of year that a little secret surfaces that seed starters everywhere avoid all year. It comes out of the closet, or if you are storing them correctly, comes out of the refrigerator about this time of the year. Its the oodles of seeds we/me hoard and can not let go off, even though many are past their prime of vitality and some, I don't even know what they are! I just can't let them go…. A seed holds so much hope and promise is the reason. To pitch it is like throwing a garden away. 

Every year I promise myself it will be different, because I can only store so much. It was different back in the day when I just had my own personal stash to store. Now that we package and sell seeds, a large portion of our refrigeration goes to storing these bulk packages and my little personal problem seeds are literally getting squeezed out of a home.

So this is the year that I am going to live up to the advice I give folks when starting seeds; Start with fresh viable seed when starting seeds-I'm pitching the unknown and old seeds!

You invest to much energy, time and dollars to have 25 dead seeds not sprout that cost 4 bucks or less. It is total disappointing and is a common reason people fail at seed starting. They are trying to start seeds that they have had in a desk drawer for 3 years. Then they never try again. I hear this story all the time.

Seed starting can be easy, fun, is amazingly rewarding, addictive and very economical. When the seeds are alive when you start.

Purchasing seeds from garden catalog and garden centers helps to insure that your seeds have been handled in a way that preserves their vitality. Such as not exposing to excess heat and humidity. To checkout our seed offering click here.

Time is drawing nearer and nearer for seed starting!

Happy winter!

Lisa Z