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Time to Prune!

by | Jan 28, 2012

The planning stage of our growing season is done. Now it is time to start doing it!

This year I have an added area of chores, to groom our landscape in a more timely manner because of company coming. We are having the March 24 workshop guests here following the program and our farm is on the Historic Garden Week tour for Newport News…yikes!

Pruning chores are at the top of the list. The goal is to have this done by valentine’s day. My most challenging chop job is the liriope. Nothing is fresher looking than a bed of all freshly grown foliage on a mass of liriope, but what a job! If you wait to much longer, the new growth will have started and you will cut there tips off, not good.

The trees and lone rose bush next. We are pruning some of our neighbors trees that are hanging over our fence, with permission of course. This will really brighten the corner of one garden and liberate a couple of fig trees.

The more I write, the I realize I have to do….

Finish your winter chores so you can enjoy spring in your garden!

Lisa Z