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Well, we tried…

by | Jul 18, 2010

We had the best of intentions on doing a new video each Friday- the truth is we are having to start so early each morning for all of our chores (5-6am) that videoing has fallen the back seat.

Things are in full swing and beyond here. We are harvesting, processing and selling over 6000 stems of cut-flowers a week- I am tired just writing about it. But business is good. We are very pleased with the Farmer’s Markets we attend and our commercial business is doing very well.

Our new gardens are performing beyond our expectations considering the heat and lack of rain. We are irrigating once every 7-10 days and our well is holding up so far. This is a year of you reap what you sow in soil building. The performance of our gardens in this heat wave drought is a sure testimony on making great soil. Our customers are stunned as  we continue to show up with gorgeous flowers week after week.

The cockscomb is amazing this year- we are growing many colors and varieties and they are big, plentiful and gorgeous. We are planning on drying some for the fall markets.

We are planting 1200 sunflowers every 30 days and it is keeping us in sunflowers pretty much each week- a definite plus for our customers.

Our zinnia crops are going gangbusters- the second planting is coming on now and they are a welcome sight. The zinnias are prolific but not like when we are having rain.

We will do a video as soon as things calm down around here- lots to show you but in the meantime I will have Suz post some of the photos she has taken- over 1000 a week some weeks.

Happy summer and keep cool-