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#246: Big Picture Thinking for Spring

by | Jul 11, 2023

Now is the time for big-picture planning for next spring: where and when. As I am shuffling our gardens again, I am excited to embark on a smaller garden that produces more.

I know where I am planting Cool Flowers and when I should plant which leads me backward to mark the calendar with when I start transplants, have seeds on hand, get beds ready, etc.

Take a minute to review the book and related resources to plan for the biggest season of the year, spring.


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The Field and Garden Podcast is produced by Lisa Mason Ziegler, award-winning author of Vegetables Love Flowers and Cool Flowers, owner of The Gardener’s Workshop, Flower Farming School Online, and the publisher of Farmer-Florist School Online and Florist School Online. Watch Lisa’s Story and connect with Lisa on social media!