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The first flower of spring

by | Apr 11, 2008

I just cut the first flower from our working cutting garden–a red sweet pea and oh so sweetly scented! I have it sitting on my desk as I write and am reminded of what is about to begin in just a few short weeks. The flowers will start all the sudden, the planting will become overwhelming and customers will be ready for bouquets all at the same time and I absolute love it all!

The only thing I enjoy as much as all this hard work is teaching others how they can have flowers just like me in their own backyards. The more I speak to groups the more I find myself loving that side of this businesses Suzanne and I are building. I did a how-to seed starting program this past week and got an email a few days later from a guest telling me that "our zinnias were "born" this morning!" how sweet is that!!!!

I am still feeding bluebirds worms twice a day and now have a robin that has joined the dinner table. I have to hold him off till the bluebirds eat then let him finish the bowl off.

I have thousands of seedlings chomping at the bit to be planted and will start on Monday- off to Virginia Beach, VA  for a one day show on Saturday- checkout our events calendar to see if we are coming to your area! Click here for our events.

Our fall planted garden for spring blooms is off to a great start- snapdragons, feverfew, ammi majus, bupluerum, rudbeckias, sweet peas, larkspur, dill, yarrow, nigella, poppies and our peony bed is looking great also!

I love being in the company of plants, birds and bugs…..

Lisa Z