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Flower Farming Basics

Flower Farming Basics

Learning never ends.   As I write this post, we just experienced early low temperatures of 34-36 degrees at the end of September. This weather toasted our last flowers and brought our 2022 season to an abrupt end. Three years of weather notes show that this is a...

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Are these courses right for you?

Are these courses right for you?

So grateful for all the questions and encouragement coming in about our Flower Farming School Online courses. I appreciate the opportunity to clarify and explain. I am sharing some of the questions with you in case you have the same concerns or wondering if the...

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A Better Way to Garden and Farm

A Better Way to Garden and Farm

When I was getting on the bus to leave Spring Forth Farm, I knew I would be back. From the organized appearance of the farm to hearing their story and then the teaching began, wowza. My wheels started turning. Before I left their farm that day over a year ago, I...

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Meet Farmer-Florist Instructor: Jennie Love

Meet Farmer-Florist Instructor: Jennie Love

I am pleased to introduce you to my good friend, flower farmer, and wedding florist, Jennie Love of Love n’ Fresh Flowers. Jennie and I became fast friends years ago while working together on the board of the Association of Specialty Cut Flowers Growers organization....

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Life Changing Lessons

Life Changing Lessons

  You never know until you walk in those shoes-a phrase that I value now more than ever since becoming a small business owner. When I think back on the past two decades and how my life and even my dreams have evolved, I'm stunned. I never imagined that my choices...

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A New Day for

A new day has come this cold January day for The Gardener’s Workshop. We have just launched a brand new amazing website and what a journey it has been. This was kind of a forced makeover because the shopping cart platform business we have used since 2005 notified us...

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