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Organize your Seed Packets

Organize your Seed Packets

Like many of you, I have lots of packets of seeds. More than I can plant in one season for sure. I will confess, I feel like I need them all! Worse yet I used to miss planting some because I somehow misplaced them. As an attempt to maintain my seed sanity, I have come...
Seedling Care

Seedling Care

Seed Starting with Soil Blocking from Beginning to End We use the soil blocking method of seed starting. My experience has been that once equipped with a soil blocker tool, all you add each year are seeds and blocking mix. What drew my initial interest was that 40...
Seed Starting Troubles

Seed Starting Troubles

Hands down seed starting is what generates the most questions, I had my own struggles when I was getting started so I understand the frustration and challenges. Below find the most common questions and issues I hear about. When to start the seeds? When to start is...
How to Grow from Seed

How to Grow from Seed

Folks are often surprised to learn that when I started farming 22 years ago, I truly started out at ground zero in the gardening and farming knowledge department. My greatest struggle? Seed starting. I failed at it horribly, over and over. After spending a couple of...
Cool Flowers: Sowing Seeds in the Garden

Cool Flowers: Sowing Seeds in the Garden

There is no better group of flower seeds to try your hand at sowing in the garden than those cool-season hardy annuals that we call Cool Flowers. Many of them are really easy to get started when planted outdoors in the cool and moist conditions of fall. First, not all...
Weed-Free Seedbeds

Weed-Free Seedbeds

If you want weed-free seedbeds for next spring—you better hop to it now. A little work today will save much work come spring. Fall sown hardy annual seeds are some of the easiest and most rewards spring flowers to grow if you prevent the weeds! The Weed Seed...
My Favorite Self-Sowing Plants

My Favorite Self-Sowing Plants

Who are these flowers? The cool-season hardy annuals that light spring on fire and are some of my favorites. I’m talking about some of the better known flowers like bachelor buttons, poppies, and larkspur along with some unknowns like bupleurum and the famous but what...

10 Easy Steps to Soil Blocking

Birthing baby plants. Small blocks with seeds just cracking open. Are you wondering about how to start seeds? This tutorial will walk you through the steps and if you want more instruction check out my Seed Starting Made Easy online course. 10 Easy Steps to Soil...
Have a Weed-Free Season

Have a Weed-Free Season

Don’t miss the ‘How-to use the stand-up garden hoe’ video below. Is it just a dream to have a weed-free growing season? It’s not if you plan on preventing weeds! We use two planting methods on the farm and each has its own plan of weed prevention....
Low-Budget Plants

Low-Budget Plants

Aren’t we all looking for a deal? Well, there is no better deal than starting plants from seed. These past years farming have opened my eyes about seed starting and just how easy it can be. Why bother? Put aside all the bucks you can save –it’s the endless...

Lisa Live! Making Blocking Mix & More!

Making homemade soil blocking mix, answering questions, visiting the baby plant room, and looking under the covers! Items mentioned in video: Nutrient Mix, Ready Made Blocking Mix, all Soil Blocking & Seed Starting Equipment, and the Harvest Knife. Lisa...
Top 5 Seed-Starting Mistakes!

Top 5 Seed-Starting Mistakes!

Avoid these common seed-starting mistakes: In my travels of teaching the how-to’s and no-no’s of seed starting, I find the following to be the most common issues folks are facing. Don’t miss my P.S.! Starting indoors too early:   Seeds should be started just a...

Tabletop Seed Starting

I have been soil blocking since the beginning of my flower farming career in 1998. When I learned of seed starting with soil blocking it solved a couple of challenges for me. I didn’t, and still don’t have a greenhouse. My urban farm’s city location...

Growing Cool Flowers in the North

How can gardeners in the more northern regions include hardy annuals(HA) in the garden? The thing about HA is it’s all about the timing of when to plant, providing excellent drainage and protecting the young plants from the cold winter wind.  Find or create...

Seed Starting Troubles

In my travels of teaching others the how-to’s and no-no’s of seed starting, I find these to be the most common issues folks are dealing with. Avoid these common seed-starting mistakes: 1. Starting too early: For most of us it is too early to start warm-season tender...

Seed Starting: The Pain and the Triumph

Most gardeners confess that they’ve always wanted to start seeds. Some are too scared to even give it a try. Many attempt it with high hopes and miserable results. Sound familiar?  If you are a wanna-be seed starter and have failed, you should know you are not...

Cool Flowers are coming through!

While many of us (me) are wringing our hands over all the cold, snowy, icy weather—cool flowers are proving to be the cool customers that I’ve come to know and love. They survive winter in spite of my doubts—even after 18 years of witnessing their amazing...
In the Presence of Seedlings….

In the Presence of Seedlings….

We will kick off this year’s growing season soon. I have been planning and ordering seeds for weeks. A few seeds have been started already; those hardy annuals that will actually be planted out in the garden around March 1 give or take a day. But the big push for a...