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#114: Jennie Love & Ellen Frost Share Their Top Books

by | Mar 23, 2022

Hello and welcome to the Field & Garden podcast! I’m Jessi Graven from The Gardener’s Workshop. Today I’d like to share a chat between Jennie Love of Love ‘n Fresh Flowers & Ellen Frost of Local Color Flowers, in which they discuss their top books for flower farming, floristry, and business. As you may know, both Jennie & Ellen are online course instructors for The Gardener’s Workshop, but they’re also good friends on top of that. In 2020 Jennie hosted this chat with Ellen on Instagram Live and then shared it with us, so we hope you enjoy!  Jennie’s Full Book List  Read more about Jennie Love, Love ‘n Fresh Flowers and her online course here. Ellen’s Full Book List  Read more about Ellen Frost, Local Color Flowers, and her online course here. Thank you everyone for joining me here on The Field & Garden Podcast, I’m Jessi Graven with The Gardener’s Workshop and I hope you have a great day!