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Seed starting has begun

by | Mar 9, 2013

Well, in a flash spring is cracking wide open here. Our daffodils are in full bloom and I expect our Tulip Magnolia tree that is about 40 feet wide and tall to begin blooming today- a sure sign spring is really coming. The forecast is calling for nights more in the 40’s instead of the 20-30’s–so we are on our way.

This coming week we will begin to start our seeds for tender annuals–the summer bloomers that like the heat. Our hardy annuals are either already in the ground from fall planting or are full size transplants waiting to go in the ground any day now, as soon as it dries out a bit.

Perhaps one of the surprising facts folks learn about seed starting on our farm is how late it seems we start our seeds. This is for a couple of reasons- foremost is that we use the soil blocking method of seed starting which really grows transplants much faster than other methods. We have also learned over the years that younger healthier transplant thrive in the garden verses planting overgrown more mature transplants that establish slower and generally aren’t as robust.

So this coming week will be full of making over 12,000 soil blocks, plus filling about 15 plug trays. All this adds up to about 14,000 seeds being started, just next week. The following week has a repeat performance.C_UsersSuz.TGWS-PC.001Pictures1 TGW PicCoolerCooler Aug 2012Andrew x 2b


Hurry spring–

Lisa Z