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Time in a Garden–with baby plants

by | Dec 16, 2008

I can't believe how long I have been away from my blog. Sorry bout that. Due to technical inconveniences and my crazy fall schedule I gave up the ship for a while–but here I am with my traveling laptop back in order.

Just in time- not for the holiday rush but for scouting for baby seedlings in the garden! I spent the day yesterday doing just that. Those plants that when happy in your garden will drop their seeds to develop new plants next season all by themselves and we grow lots of them that do just that in the fall. I didn't have to look far for "Green Mist" babies- they literally carpet an area of my front garden crowding out all weeds, Love-in-a-Mist, Dill, and Bupleurum seedlings are the same thick as a carpet. Had to look a little harder for Feverfew, Rudbeckias and Sweet Pea babies.

Because we need massive numbers of these flowers as cuts, we plant large new beds each year, however there are always bare spots when you plant seeds directly in the garden. Stuff just happens to the seed, especially this year. We have had freezing weather early and flooding down pours that wash away seeds. So, all these babies that start themselves all over the garden, especially in the pathways are scooped up while still very small (best time to transplant) and planted in the bare holes in the according beds of the same variety.

Don't you love it!! Free and easy!

Most seeds that can be planted directly in the garden and are winter hardy will provide you with surprise babies. Some varieties are stronger, hardier growers than others, which explains why some do and some don't.

To view seedlings click here .

Merry Christmas!

Lisa Z

Tip of the Day:

Practice an act of random kindness today- the kind that leaves your mouth dry and eyes wet.